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red room中文翻译,red room是什么意思,red room发音、用法及例句

01-21 投稿

red room中文翻译,red room是什么意思,red room发音、用法及例句

1、red room

red room发音

英:  美:

red room中文意思翻译



red room双语使用场景

1、I gather William's coat and hat from his hook and wait for the door to the Red Room to open.───我收起衣架上威廉的外衣和帽子,等着红色教室的门打开。

2、Daylight began to forsake the red-room; it was past four o'clock, and the beclouded afternoon was tending to drear twilight.───阳光开始从红屋子里消逝;已经过了四点了,阴沉沉的下午渐渐转为凄凉的黄昏。

3、The red room was a cold, silent room, hardly ever used, although it was one of the largest bedrooms in the house.───红房子阴冷、寂静,尽管是最大的卧室之一,却很少使用。

4、I spent that whole long afternoon in the red room asking myself why I had to suffer and why life was so unfair.───个漫长的下午,我都待在红房子里问自己,为什么我非得受苦,为什么生活如此不公平。

5、"Take her away to the red room and lock her in, " she said.───“把她带到那间红屋子里去关起来,”她说。

6、Mrs. Reed came. "Take her away to the red room and lock her in, " she said. Four hands then quickly carried me upstairs.───里德太太来了。“把她带到那间红屋子里去关起来,”她说。当即就有四只手抓住我,把我拖上楼去。

7、Among paintings there was "the Red Room", "the Piano Lesson" and "Interior with Goldfish".───在这些作品中有《红厅》、《钢琴课》和《金鱼》。

8、'You fell sick, I suppose, in the red- room with crying; you'll be better soon, no doubt.───你是病了,猜想是在红房子里哭出病来的,肯定很快就会好的。

red room相似词语短语

1、red on red───红色对红色

2、Iiving room───起居室

3、red red───红色-红色


5、available room───可用的房间

6、leisure room───休息室


8、a red red rose───一朵红玫瑰

9、function room───功能厅;多功能厅;活动室;宴会厅;活动会议室;n.功能厅; 宴会厅


专辑名称: 《Moulin Rouge》原声大碟

专辑类别: Soundtrack

发行公司:2oth Century Fox,USA

出版年月:May 8, 2001

Disc 1:

1. Nature Boy

2. Lady Marmalade

3. Because We Can

4. Sparkling Diamonds

5. Rhythm Of The Night

6. Your Song

7. Children of the Revolution

8. One Day I'll Fly Away

9. Diamond Dogs

10. Elephant Love Medley

11. Come What May

12. El Tango De Roxanne

13. Complainte De La Butte

14. Hindi Sad Diamonds

15. Nature Boy

Disc 2:

1. Your Song

2. Sparkling Diamonds [Original Film Version]

3. One Day I'll Fly Away

4. The Pitch (Spectacular Spectacular)

5. Come What May [Original Film Version]

6. Like a Virgin [Original Film Version]

7. Meet Me in the Red Room [Original Film Version]

8. Your Song

9. The Show Must Go On [Original Film Version]

10. Ascension/Nature Boy (From the Death and...)

11. Bolero (Closing Credits) [Original Film Version]



Moulin Rouge


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