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01-21 投稿




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1、Del Conte found a family willing to give it a try.───Del Conte找到一家愿意尝试一下。

2、Conte and others have yet to be tried in court.───孔戴和其他人仍然没有在法庭上审判。

3、The news media quoted witnesses reported that the attack took place in the day around 1: 30, Conte private armed guards repulsed the attack.───媒体援引目击者的消息报道说,袭击发生在当天凌晨1时30分左右,孔戴的私人卫队击退了武装人员的袭击。

4、Jon Conte, an authority on the effects of childhood sexual abuse, suggests an ethical framework for such a complex situation.───JonConte是研究儿童性虐待的影响方面的权威。他提出了一个道德框架来处理这种复杂的情况。

5、Antonio Conte's men make early enquiries for out-of-favour defender, who has previously said he wants to stay with the Serie A champions.───安东尼奥孔蒂进行前期试探失宠的后卫安东尼尼,他此前曾表示他希望留在意甲冠军。

6、" certainly i would be honoured to accept such a role , as long as everyone respected their positions , " said conte.───“当然,假如我扮演那种角色将会获得无上荣耀,那是一个为世人尊重的位置,”孔蒂说道。

7、le conte was right , and so are you , mr . eden , at least to an extent - how much i do not know .───勒孔特说得不错,你也不错,伊登先生,至少在一定程度上不错我有许多东西都不知道。

8、To sell an old Apple device quickly and with minimal hassle, try a trade-in site, says Natali Del Conte, a senior editor at CNET.───据CNET科技资讯网的资深编辑德尔康特(NataliDelConte)介绍,卖二手苹果产品的一个简便易行的方法是上那些折价购物网站。

9、Conte found the answer in 1795.───康特找到了问题的答案。


1、committal definition───交付定义

2、culex pipiens complex───库蚊复合物

3、collectorship of port new york───纽约港收藏家

4、caramel corn───焦糖爆米花

5、reptilian records───爬行动物记录

6、disme coins───卡住

7、corroboration define───确证定义

8、optical telescope───[光]光学望远镜

9、decyl gluconate───葡萄糖酸癸酯

10、cove molding───油画外框的一种(边呈凹圆状)

结语:,~ o que ouviu的意思是“你听到的什么” 整个句子的意思是:向你的其他同事说说你听见了什么renconte是什么意思,CEng是Chartered Engineer特许工程师,IStructE是英国结构工程师学会,全称Institution of Structural Engineers. 一般成为学会会员(Member)即CEng,MIStructE.如果是FIS CEng是Chartered Engineer特许工程师,IStructE是英国结构工程师学会,全称Institution of Structural Engineers. 一般成为学会会员(Member)即CEng,MIStructE.如果是FIS 如果是正常途径的话刚毕业需要先成为Graduate Member,然后通过IPD (Initial Professional Development),PRI (Professional Review Interview) 最后参加考试,

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