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i am glad to hear that中文翻译,i am glad to hear that是什么意思,i am glad to hear that发音、用法及例句

02-14 投稿

i am glad to hear that中文翻译,i am glad to hear that是什么意思,i am glad to hear that发音、用法及例句

i am glad to hear that

i am glad to hear that发音

英:  美:

i am glad to hear that中文意思翻译



i am glad to hear that双语使用场景

1、I am glad to hear that you were appointed. . . , on which I congratulate you most heartily.───很高兴得知你被任命为·······,衷心的祝贺你

2、Molly: Awesome. I am glad to hear that. And then?───莫莉:太酷了,我很高兴听到这个,然后呢?

3、I am glad to hear that you enjoy yourself now.───听说你现在过得很愉快,我很高兴。

4、I am glad to hear that she got through the exam.───听到她考试及格的消息,我感到很高兴。

5、I am glad to hear that you were there too.───真高兴听说你也到那里。

6、Thank you very much for your email. I am glad to hear that you and your family are well.───非常谢谢你的邮件,我很高兴听到你和你的家人都很安康。

7、I am glad to hear that you work hard, what you should, only so, you can enjoy and realize your value.───我很高兴听到你说努力工作,这是你应该做的,也唯有如此,你才能享受过程并实现自己的价值。

8、I am glad to hear that.───我很高兴听到这个消息。

9、I am glad to hear that, Ron . Now, what can I do for you? That's possible. bye now, Ron .───听到这我很高兴,罗恩。你有什么事吗?有可能。再见,罗恩。

i am glad to hear that相似词语短语

1、i am so glad───我真高兴

2、i glad to───我很高兴

3、i am hear───我听到了

4、l am glad to───我很高兴见到你

5、glad that───很高兴

6、glad to hear───很高兴听到

7、to hear that───听到这个

8、hear that───听到了吗

9、i am glad to───我很高兴......

I am very glad to hear from you是什么意思?

I am very glad to hear from you我很高兴收到你的来信双语对照例句:

1.I am glad to hear from you. 很高兴你打电话来。

2.I am very glad to help you. 比如我非常乐意能帮到你的忙

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