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household chores中文翻译,household chores是什么意思,household chores发音、用法及例句

02-12 投稿

household chores中文翻译,household chores是什么意思,household chores发音、用法及例句

1、household chores

household chores发音

英:  美:

household chores中文意思翻译



household chores双语使用场景

1、Nanny robot can do much to help his mother with household chores so that her mother was not home tired, so tired home sick.───机器人能为人做保姆,帮妈妈做家务,让妈妈不再为家中劳累,为家累得生病。

2、She became uncooperative: unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores.───她变得不合作起来:不愿做作业或是帮助分担家务。

3、For too many highly intelligent working women, home represents chore obligations, because the husband only tolerates her work and does not participate in household chores.───对许多高智商的职业女性来说,家庭代表承担家务的义务,因为丈夫只容忍她的工作,不参与家务劳动。

4、She kept her silence as a teenager, nannying and doing household chores for whites who would look at her as if they owned her.───少年时期,她依然沉默寡言,替白人当保姆打杂务,听凭那些人主子一般地使唤她。

5、Common examples include how much intimacy there should be in a marriage, as well as disagreements over money and household chores.───常见的例子包括,婚姻中的亲密关系如何,以及因为金钱和家务产生的分歧。

6、Secondly, you will also have a man who does not forget anniversaries and birthdays and is ready to help you with household chores.───你就会得到这么一个不会忘记任何纪念日和生日的男人,并且他还会愿意帮你处理家务琐事。

7、A daughter is often viewed as a burden, relegated to performing arduous household chores and even forced into child marriage.───女儿往往被看成是一种负担,只配干繁重的家务活,甚至被迫在小小年纪就结婚。

8、children in the United States spent an average of slightly less than two and a half hours a week doing household chores; by 1997 they had spent nearly six hours a week.───美国儿童平均每周花在家务上的时间略少于两个半小时;到1997年,这个时间达到近6个小时。

9、Her new "husband" communicated with her via hand gestures that he wanted her to do the backbreaking farm work and all the household chores.───她的新任“丈夫”通过手势与她交流,他要求她做艰苦的农活以及所有的家务活。

household chores相似词语短语

1、chores meaning───家务事的意义


3、family chores───家庭琐事

4、inspired household───灵感家庭

5、household words───家常话;家喻户晓的词汇

6、household chore───家庭琐事;n.家务活


8、chores asl───家务活

9、household goods───家庭用品,日用商品; 坛坛罐罐;家庭用品;[贸易]日用商品



n. 一家人,一户;同住一所房子的人;王室 (the Household)

adj. 家庭的,家用的;家喻户晓的

My family's household expenses are recorded by my mother.


Most local households have more than two children.


Low-income households received government funding.


Most of Chinese households choose to stay at home during the New Year's Eve.

除夕夜 大多数中国家庭选择呆在家里。

Have you finished your household chores for the day?


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