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dc power supply中文翻译,dc power supply是什么意思,dc power supply发音、用法及例句

03-21 投稿

dc power supply中文翻译,dc power supply是什么意思,dc power supply发音、用法及例句

dc power supply

dc power supply发音

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dc power supply中文意思翻译



dc power supply双语使用场景

1、The servo ports are powered directly from the main battery or DC power supply when the expansion board is not present.───伺服口岸直接地从主要电池或直流电源供给动力当扩充电路板不是存在。

2、The protection and control system in subway DC power supply systems play a key role in ensuring the safety and reliability of the subway.───地铁直流供电的保护与控制系统对确保地铁的安全可靠运行起着关键作用。

3、DC power supply is commonly used in electronic equipment, it guaranteed voltage fluctuation or load changes, output voltage stability.───直流稳压电源是常用的电子设备,它能保证在电网电压波动或负载发生变化时,输出稳定的电压。

4、Above: the WFC capacitor is disconnected from the DC power supply, its discharges on itself.───最重要的:在世界粮食理事会电容断开直流电源,依靠自己的排放。

5、PWM signal is still digital, because in any given time, full amplitude of the DC power supply or completely (ON), or it is not (OFF).───PWM信号仍然是数字的,因为在给定的任何时刻,满幅值的直流供电要么完全有(ON),要么完全无(OFF)。

6、But the general DC power supply regulated power supply can output all the way, is waste and inconvenient.───但是一般的直流稳压电源只能输出一路稳压电源,很浪费且不方便。

7、The combination of communication DC power supply system and substation DC power supply system can save investment and minimize maintenance.───通信直流系统与站用直流系统的整合,可以节约投资,减少维护工作量。

8、Operation From DC Power Supply: Batteries.───使用直流电源:干电池。

9、The paper introduces the principle and the measuring method of DC power supply .───本文介绍了直流稳压电源的基本原理及其检测方法。

dc power supply相似词语短语


2、regulated power supply───稳定电源,稳压电源;稳压电源,稳定电源

3、uninterrupted power supply battery───不间断电源电池

4、dc dc adapter───直流适配器

5、computer power supply───[计]计算机电源[CPS]

6、blaubucht power supply───蓝色电源

7、power supply───[电]电源;电源供应器;n.电源; 供电

8、astron power supply───astron电源

9、switching power supply───开关式电源;[电]开关电源;交换式电源供应


直流电源 DPS (DC power supply)

交流电源 AC (Alternating current )

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