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多喝水英语怎么说(a drink of water中文翻译,a drink of water是什么意思,a drink of water发音、用法及例句)

03-07 投稿

多喝水英语怎么说(a drink of water中文翻译,a drink of water是什么意思,a drink of water发音、用法及例句)

1、a drink of water

a drink of water发音

英:  美:

a drink of water中文意思翻译



a drink of water双语使用场景

1、However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water.───然而,当一位美丽的年轻女子打开房门的时候,这个小男孩却有点不知所措了。他没有要饭,只乞求给他一口水喝。

2、He took a drink of water and went on .───他喝了一口水,又继续说下去。

3、When the witches came out again he said "I need a drink of water after all that running. "───当巫婆又出来了,他说:“我需要水运行后,所有的饮料。”

4、David longed for water and said, 'Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem! '───大卫渴想,说,甚愿有人将伯利恒城门旁井里的水打来给我喝。

5、In fact, if I sit at my computer for more than an hour getting up for a drink of water can be quite painful.───事实上,如果我坐在电脑面前超过一个小时,我就会站起来喝水。

6、Please give me a drink of water.───请给我点水喝。

7、I'll get you a drink of water.───我去给你弄杯水来。

8、Well , I don't know . I gave an old man a drink of water and he gave me a comb in gratitude . That's all I remember .───唉,我也不知道。我给过一位老人水喝,为了感谢我,他送给我一把梳子。我只记得这些。

9、I need a drink of water.───我需要一杯水。

a drink of water相似词语短语

1、buy a drink───买杯饮料

2、a of water───一杯水

3、a drop of water───一滴水

4、drink a milk───喝牛奶

5、tall drink of water───大量喝水

6、a drink of───一杯

7、drink more water───喝更多水;多喝水

8、drink drink───喝饮料

9、a drink───一杯饮料



  喝水的英文: drink water


 1. An important rule is to drink plenty of water during any flight.


 2. He lived on a diet of water and tinned fish.


 3. The fast is broken at sunset, traditionally with dates and water.


 4. Drink lots of water to avoid becoming dehydrated.


 5. He drank and stifled a belch.


 6. The shepherd boy waited for his sheep to drink.


 7. Dying of thirst, the desert traveler ground out a request for water.

 这个沙漠旅行者几乎要渴死了, 嗓音沙哑地说要喝水.

 8. She drank from a plastic beaker.


 9. Instead of tea or coffee, drink water to quench your thirst.


 10. The doctor advised me to drink more water; he said it likes me.

 大夫建议我多喝水, 他说那样宜于我的健康.

 11. Though hot after her long walk, she refused a drink.

 虽然在长途跋涉后很热, 她却不愿喝水.

 12. Camels can survive for many days with no water.


 13. They paused to drink, then crossed the river toward me.

 它们停下脚步,在河边喝水, 然后过河,向我游来.

 14. She's so ill that nothing will stay down, not even water.

 她病得很重,吃什麽都吐出来, 连喝水都吐.

 15. She had been sipping water; a plastic cup was in her hand.


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