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card holders中文翻译,card holders是什么意思,card holders发音、用法及例句

03-06 投稿

card holders中文翻译,card holders是什么意思,card holders发音、用法及例句

1、card holders

card holders发音

英:  美:

card holders中文意思翻译



card holders双语使用场景

1、It used to be that card holders got almost 30 days--basically, you had until the day they printed out your next bill.───通常是持有者有将近30天直到银行将你下个月的账单打印出来为止。

2、Many folks have been finding that business card holders seem to support the iPad perfectly fine.───已经有不少人发现商务名片底座可以完美支持iPad。

3、The Latinos who remain are mostly dual citizens or green-card holders, who go back and forth across the border with relative ease.───留在当地的大部分拉丁美洲人是双城居民或者绿卡持有者,边境来往相对容易。

4、Many folks have been finding that business card holders seem to support the iPad perfectly fine.───现在已经有不少人发现商务名片底座可以完美支持iPad。

5、We do not think many Octopus card holders have perused that statement. But what do those expressions mean?───这份声明相信绝大部分八达通持有人都没有详细阅读过,但这些字句到底意味什麽?

6、Liu said that Green card holders have the same rights and responsibilities as Chinese citizens.───刘莉莉说,绿卡持有者享受和中国公民相同的权利和义务。

7、'I don't mind if my kids choose to live in the U. S. forever or become green-card holders, ' he said.───他说,我不在乎我的孩子选择永远呆在美国或者拿绿卡。

8、The card holders are sturdy plastic and come in two pieces that notch together, and each holds six cards upright in a slight curve.───卡牌夹用坚固的塑料制造,由两半拼合而成,每一个微微弯曲的卡牌夹可以竖放六张牌。

card holders相似词语短语

1、banister holders───扶手架

2、napkin holders───餐巾架

3、stocking holders───n.[金融]股东(stockholder的复数)

4、candlestick holders───烛台架

5、socket holders───插座固定器

6、candle holders───烛台

7、pot holders───锅垫;防热手套


9、pencil holders───[医]铅笔夹(辅助残疾手握笔)

2、“On college student using credit cards”写一篇英语作文

College student credit cards can be found everywhere on a campus. It's one of the simplest temptations for young people to fall victim to. All it takes is some information and a signature to get a wallet full of "money." So many students have found themselves deep in debt by the time they graduate. They have already compromised their future by injudicious use of college student credit cards. On the other hand, having this method of payment can mean the difference between making it through higher education and having to drop out. The secret to using college student credit cards is to create a plan and stick to it. The starting point, however, is choosing the right creditor and account.

When applying for a college student credit card over the Internet, applicants will have the advantage of being able to compare interest rates and terms from different companies and finding the best deal. It is especially helpful to use a comparison website. These sites will let applicants search for a card with particular preferences then provide a list of links to cards that match. Here are some things to look for as far as preferences. Consumers need to know what the APR or the annual percentage rate is. That is the rate over the course of a year. It will be higher than the daily or monthly percentage rate. The APR is a good comparison figure.

Cardholders also need to be aware if the company charges late fees for late payments on a college student credit card. It's important to know the amount of these fees as well. Compare the amount charged by each company. They will differ. Find out if the college student credit card interest will change if the cardholder sends in a late payment. Some companies will raise the interest rate if a payment is late. It's also necessary to know the interest rate the companies charge for a cash advance. That is an important figure if a cardholder plans to get cash at certain times.

"A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion" (Psalm 112:5). Not everyone who lends does so out of good. Unfortunately, companies are just out to make a profit from lending. Young people need to learn this before getting into debt. College student credit cards can be a part of their financial education. How one manages credit cards now will establish a habit that will carry into work experience. Take time to sit down and plan the use of this payment method and keeping credit purchases to a minimum. This type of education is just as important as what is taught in the classroom. Cardholders need to take financial education as seriously as their career education.

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