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服装店英语怎么写(clothing shops中文翻译,clothing shops是什么意思,clothing shops发音、用法及例句)

03-06 投稿

服装店英语怎么写(clothing shops中文翻译,clothing shops是什么意思,clothing shops发音、用法及例句)

1、clothing shops

clothing shops发音

英:  美:

clothing shops中文意思翻译



clothing shops双语使用场景

1、Chur charge Sternberg Dam 3 km long commercial street, shops, clothing shops, galleries in rows Ringby.───腾达姆商业街长3千米,商店、服饰店、画廊鳞次林比。

2、If you wanted a block with clothing shops you could build that etc.───如果你想建一个有服装店的街区,你也可以办到;等等…

3、There are nearby clothing shops and the money exchange here is better than in TST.───附近有服装店和货币兑换中心。

4、"The impact is that most of them [Chinatown clothing shops] had to shut down, " says Solomon Julius, a Nigerian who manages Chinatown.───“这样做的后果是中国城里大部分的服装店都关门了”所罗门·朱利尔斯说道——他是中国城的管理者。

5、There ale more clothing shops nearby, which are closed off to vehicles on the weekends.───附近还有更多的时装店。到了周末,那里禁止车辆通行。

clothing shops相似词语短语

1、outbuildings shops───附属厂房

2、pizza shops───披萨店

3、real shops───真正的商店

4、museum shops───博物馆商店


6、barber shops───n.理发店( barber shop的名词复数 )

7、charity shops───慈善商店

8、some shops───一些商店

9、bridesmaid shops───伴娘商店

2、求翻译 将中文翻译成英语

The business in Hongya was better and better. The little shops nearby such as video shops, building materials shops and book shops did not want Hongya monopolizeall the praises. They changed their facades and began to specialize in garment.Little by little, it turned into a clothing street in the city. These several months,the passenger volume grew day by day. Especially on weekends, the customers came here for buying clothes jostled each other in a crowd. The bosses of the shops laughed even when they were dreaming.

The fame of Clothing Street made the passenger volume grow in duplication, but it also gave the customers more chance to choose.The competition of the shops increased fiercely.They used marketing ingenious ways to attract customers one by one. A period of time, the street was full of advertisements such as“ All five fold”,“Bottom price “and “Final clear out” .A fewdays later, some merchants thought it didn’t work anymore. They set other advertisements such as “Two for one” “Buy one, get two” and “Buy clothes, get a watch”. In the July, a shop announced the membership system, other two shops promoted VIP cardssoon. In the August, two shops began to draw a lottery or raffle, the othershops then followed. In the September, a shop invited some amateur models, played several Clothes Fashion Shows.


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