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contact resistance中文翻译,contact resistance是什么意思,contact resistance发音、用法及例句

03-06 投稿

contact resistance中文翻译,contact resistance是什么意思,contact resistance发音、用法及例句

1、contact resistance

contact resistance发音

英:  美:

contact resistance中文意思翻译



contact resistance双语使用场景

1、The contact resistance between the composite plates and carbon paper were measured with a four-probe method.───通过四电极法测量了复合板与碳纸间的接触电阻。

2、I do ultra-small resistance test equipment, the general used to test the relay switch contact resistance!───我做的测试超小阻值的仪器,一般用来测试开关继电器的接触电阻!

3、For dry switches, the contact resistance is inversely related to the contact area.───对于干式开关,接触电阻与接触面积成反比关系。

4、At the interface between the two bodies the heat transfer is hampered by the so- called contact resistance .───在这两个物体之间的界面上,传热将受阻于所谓的接触阻力。

5、Low resistance measurement applications include contact resistance, superconductor resistance, and resistivity measurements of conductors.───各种低阻测量的应用包括:接触电阻、超导体电阻和导体电阻率的测量等。

6、Contact resistance is the resistance to current flow through a closed pair of con tactus .───接触电阻是对通过闭合触点对的电流的阻抗。

7、The existence of the contact resistance must be considered when accurate thermal conductivity measurements are performed.───如果要精确地测量热导率,就必需考虑接触阻力的存在问题。

8、The contact resistance is the resistance across a closed pair of contacts on a switch card.───接触电阻是指开关卡上一对闭合的触点之间的电阻。

9、found that the magnitude and stability of contact resistance greatly affect the measuring results.───发现接触电阻的大小和稳定程度对测量结果有极大的影响。

contact resistance相似词语短语

1、magnetization resistance───磁化电阻

2、motional resistance───动态电阻

3、radiation resistance───[生物物理]辐射抗性;耐辐射性;[物]辐射电阻;辐射电阻[阻力]; 耐辐射性


5、effluvia resistance───臭气阻力

6、inhalation resistance───吸入阻力

7、viscous resistance───粘性阻力;[力]粘滞阻力


9、negative resistance───[电]负阻;[电]负电阻;负电阻,负阻

2、contact resistance是什么意思

contact resistance

接触(接点)电阻;[电] 瞬变电阻; 接触电阻试验; 接触抵抗


contact-resistance 接触电阻

contact electric resistance 接触电阻

Contact Thermal Resistance 接触热阻 ; 接触热阻

It is found that the magnitude and stability of contact resistance greatly affect themeasuring results.


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