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03-06 投稿




英:[ɪˈfjuːʒ(ə)n]  美:[ɪˈfjuːʒ(ə)n]

英:  美:





pleural effusion───[医]胸膜积液;胸膜渗漏

pericardial effusion───[医]心包积液;心包渗漏




1、Conclusion Subdural-peritoneal shunt for traumatic subdural effusion is safe, easy to perform and effective.───结论硬膜下腔-腹腔分流术治疗外伤性硬膜下积液,手术安全可靠,简单易行,效果良好。

2、horse with this joint problem may or may not be lame or have joint effusion.───有此关节疾病的马可能会或可能不会跛脚,或有关节积液。

3、Objective:To explore the feature of the pleural effusion aroused by heart failure.───目的:探讨心力衰竭引起的胸腔积液的特点。

4、Many methods and markers have been used in the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion, with different advantages and disadvantages.───许多方法和指标都曾尝试用于恶性胸腔积液的诊断,各有利弊。

5、Rarely pericardial effusion can be caused by infection and consist of pus.───心包积液也能由感染引起,所积液体为脓液,但很罕见。

6、Methods 45 cases of pleural effusion were examined by thoracoscopy, biopsy took place in the abnormal pleurae under thoracoscopy.───方法45例胸腔积液行胸腔镜检查,直视下取病变组织行病理检查。

7、The treatment temperature is so high as easy to result in white spots and effusion of alkali vapor.───处理的温度高,易产生白色斑点,碱雾逸出造成环境污染;

8、Jean Valjean held out his hand, and Fauchelevent precipitated himself upon it with the touching effusion of a peasant.───冉阿让向他伸出一只手,割风跳上前,一把握住,乡下人的那股热情的确很动人。

9、Initially, there may just be an effusion into the pleural space. There may also be a fibrinous pleuritis.───最初,可能有胸膜腔渗出,也可能出现纤维素性胸膜炎。












This was enough to prove that her approbation need not be doubted: and Elizabeth, rejoicing that such an effusion was heard only by herself, soon went away. But before she had been three minutes in her own room, her,other followed her.


"My dearest child," she cried,“I can think of nothing else! Ten thousand a year, and very likely more! Tis as good as a Lord! And a special licence. You must and shall be married by a special licence. But my dearest love,tell me what dish Mr. Darcy is particularly fond of, that I may have it tomorrow."


This was a sad omen of what her mother's behaviour to the gentleman himself might be;and Elizabeth found that, though in the certain possession of his warmest affection,and secure of her relations’consent, there was still something to be wished for. But the morrow passed off much better than she expected; for Mrs. Bennet luckily stood in such awe of her intended son-in-law that she ventured not to speak to him, unless it was in her power to offer him any attention,or mark her deference for his opinion.


Elizabeth had the satisfaction of seeing her father taking pains to get acquainted with him;and Mr. Bennet soon assured her that he was rising every hour in his esteem.


"I admire all my three sons-in-law highly," said he. "Wickham, perhaps,is my favourite, but I think I shall like your husband quite as well as Jane's."


Elizabeth’s spirits soon rising to playfulness again,she wanted Mr. Darcy to account for his having ever fallen in love with her. "How could you begin?" said she. "I can comprehend your going on charmingly, when you had once made a beginning; but what could set you off in the first place?"


"I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before/knew that/had begun."


“My beauty you had early withstood,and as for my manners一my behaviour to you was at least always bordering on the uncivil, and I never spoke to you without rather wishing to give you pain than not. Now be sincere; did you admire me for my impertinence?"


"For the liveliness of your mind, I did."


"You may as well call it impertinence at once. It was very little less. The fact is, that you were sick of civility, of deference, of officious attention. You were disgusted with the women who were always speaking and looking,and thinking for your approbation alone. I roused, and interested you, because I was so unlike them. Had you not been really amiable, you would have hated me for it; but in spite of the pains you took to disguise yourself, your feelings were always noble and just; and in your heart, you thoroughly despised the persons who so assiduously courted you. There I have saved you the trouble of accounting for it, and really, all things considered, I begin to think it perfectly reasonable. To be sure, you knew no actual good of me一but nobody thinks of that when they fall in love."


"Was there no good in your affectionate behaviour to Jane, while she was ill at Netherfield?"


"Dearest Jane! Who could have done less for her? But make a virtue of it by all means. My good qualities are under your protection, and you are to exaggerate them as much as possible; and, in return, it belongs to me to find occasions for teasing and quarrelling with you as often as may be; and!shall begin directly by asking you what made you so unwilling to come to the point at Iast.What made you so shy of me, when you first called, and afterwards dined here? Why, especially, when you called,did you look as if you did not care about me?"


"Because you were grave and silent,and gave me no encouragement".


"But I was embarrassed."


"And so was I"


"You might have talked to me more when you came to dinner."


"A man who had felt less, might."


"How unlucky that you should have a reasonable answer

to give, and that I should be so reasonable as to admit it! But I wonder how long you would have gone on, if you had been left to yourself.I wonder when you would have spoken, if I had not asked you! My resolution of thanking you for your kindness to Lydia had certainly great effect. Too much, I am afraid, for what becomes of the moral,if our comfort springs from a breach of promise? for I ought not to have mentioned the subject. This will never do."


"You need not distress yourself. The moral will be perfectly fair. Lady Catherine's unjustifiable endeavours to separate us were the means of removing all my doubts. I am not indebted for my present happiness to your eager desire of expressing your gratitude. I was not in a humour to wait for any opening of yours. My aunt's intelligence had given me hope, and I was determined at once to know everything."


"Lady Catherine has been of infinite use,which ought to make her happy, for she loves to be of use. But tell me, what did you come down to Netherfield for? Was it merely to ride to Longbourn and be embarrassed? Or had you intended any more serious consequence?"


"My real purpose was to see you, and to judge, if I could, whether I might ever hope to make you love me. My avowed one,or what I avowed to myself,was to see whether your sister were sti11 partial to Bingley, and if she were, to make the confession to him which I have since made."


"Shall you ever have courage to announce to Lady Catherine, what is to befall her?"


"I am more likely to want more time than courage, Elizabeth. But it ought to be done, and if you will give me a sheet of paper, it shall be done directly."


"And if I had not a letter to write myself, I might sit by you and admire the evenness of your writing, as another young lady once did. But I have an aunt, too, who must not be longer neglected."





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