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the notes中文翻译,the notes是什么意思,the notes发音、用法及例句

03-06 投稿

the notes中文翻译,the notes是什么意思,the notes发音、用法及例句

the notes

the notes发音

英:  美:

the notes中文意思翻译



the notes双语使用场景

1、The notes I made on my travels were distilled into a book.───我的旅行笔记精选汇编成了一本书。

2、The notes he made on his travels were distilled into a book.───他的旅行笔记汇编成了一本书。

3、we urge you to tell the national bank not to put out the notes with a mistake in the kazakh language .───我们请求您,禁止国家银行将带有哈萨克语拼写错误的纸币投入使用。

4、He had again counted over the money , as if to assure himself that the notes were real .───他把钱重数了一遍,好象为了证实这些钞票是真的。

5、Review all the notes you need to cover for each course.───复习所有你需要涵盖的每门课的笔记。

6、I shall tune it to the notes of forever, and when it has sobbed out its last utterance, lay down my silent harp at the feet of the silent.───我要调拨我的琴弦,和永恒的乐音合拍,当它呜咽出最后的声音时,就把我静默的琴儿放在静默的脚边。

7、The notes are intended as an introduction to the course.───这些笔记的目的是作为对这门课程的介绍。

8、Between them, as music of the link between the notes, mutual constraints in the produce rhythm, tempo in the form of charm.───它们之间,如同音乐中的音符之间的联系,在相互制约中生出节奏,在节奏中形成魅力。

9、''It was a real shock, '' he says. ''He said to me early on that the singing was secondary to hitting the notes emotionally. ''───“我大吃一惊,”他说,“他以前告诉我相对于能够发自情感地唱出这些音符,演唱技巧只是次要的。”

the notes相似词语短语

1、some notes───一些注释

2、taking notes───记笔记;作笔记

3、large notes───大钞

4、half notes───n.半音符,二分音符( half note的名词复数 )

5、sticky notes───便利贴;即时贴;便利贴; 即时贴

6、mental notes───读心记事;腹稿


8、keep notes───记录;做笔记

9、notes writer───笔记作者

use the notes to write a passage about the chinese composer xian xinghai


use the notes to write a passage about the chinese composer xian xinghai


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