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shied away中文翻译,shied away是什么意思,shied away发音、用法及例句

03-06 投稿

shied away中文翻译,shied away是什么意思,shied away发音、用法及例句

1、shied away

shied away发音

英:  美:

shied away中文意思翻译



shied away双语使用场景

1、South Korea's parliament has shied away from taking up the deal for fear of being embarrassed if the U. S. Congress rejects it.───韩国议会不愿启动这一问题,因为担心如果该协议不能在美国国会获批则会使自己颜面无光。

2、If you've shied away from making pancakes in the past, don't be put off – there's really nothing to it!───如果你过去没有信心做烙饼的话,就别再被它吓着–真没什么难的。

3、Sevilla appear resigned to losing the Brazil international but Wenger again shied away from committing himself to a swoop for Baptista.───塞维利亚看来要失去这位巴西国脚,但是温格再次对他与巴普蒂斯塔的接触表示了回避。

4、Chris never shied away from the front line and his work in Libya was no exception.───克里斯对战斗第一线从未退缩过,利比亚也不例外。

5、Hugh never shied away from his responsibilities.───自己承担的责任,休从不回避。

6、Many producers might have shied away from 'All About Love' because of its lesbian theme.───许多制作人都因为《得闲炒饭》的同性恋主题而回避这部**。

7、"Given the downturn over the past few months, investors have shied away from this sort of strategy. "───“考虑到过去几个月的下降趋势,投资者已经开始逃离这种投资策略了。”

8、It is a company that has never shied away from reinventing itself , as a more complete reading of its history demonstrates .───更完整阅读其历史后可证明,这是一家从不逃避自我再造的公司。

9、The newspapers have shied away from investigating the story.───各家报纸纷纷退避,不敢调查详情。

shied away相似词语短语

1、bubbling away───冒泡

2、fell away───vt.消失;背离,离开;疏失;抛弃;消瘦;倾斜


4、dull away───消沉

5、tuck away───藏起来;畅饮;大吃;把…藏于安全处; 躲藏; 畅饮

6、away away───走开

7、plugging away───坚持不懈;顽强地致力于(坚定而缓慢地行走)

8、diverts away───转移

9、melts away───v.消失;融掉

2、shy的过去式为什么是 shyer?


比如:The newspapers have shied away from investigating the story.各家报纸纷纷退避,不敢调查详情。


比如:Suddenly, I felt that I was a mere intruder; I became even shyer than Madame curie.我突然觉得我只不过是一个不速之客;我感到比居里夫人更羞怯。

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