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the internet of things中文翻译,the internet of things是什么意思,the internet of things发音、用法及例句

03-06 投稿

the internet of things中文翻译,the internet of things是什么意思,the internet of things发音、用法及例句

1、the internet of things

the internet of things发音

英:  美:

the internet of things中文意思翻译



the internet of things双语使用场景

1、This would be the equivalent of President Obama talking directly about the Internet of Things to the Washington Post or New York Times.───这就好比是美国总统奥巴马直接向《华盛顿邮报》或《纽约时报》谈论物联网。

2、Dubbed "the internet of things", this is already making it possible, for example, to control home appliances using smartphone apps and to monitor medical devices remotely.───例如,这一被称为“物联网”的技术已经使得用智能手机应用程序控制家用电器和远程监控医疗设备成为可能。

3、The dawning age of the "Internet of things" will see connectivity come to a wide variety of gadgets and services.───在“物联网”(Internetofthings)的黎明阶段,我们会看到各种各样的设备和服务都连上了网络。

4、's no wonder that new applications for the Internet of Things are moving ahead fast when almost every new device we buy has a plug on the end of it or a wireless connection to the internet.───当我们购买的几乎每一款新设备的末端都有一个插头或与互联网的无线连接时,物联网的新应用程序快速发展就不足为奇了。

5、We're going to have more than one of these mobile computing devices in our lives. . . [and eventually] we'll have The Internet of Things.───我们将有更多比这些在我们生活中的移动计算设备…一[最终]我们有物联网。

6、It was a significant speech, given that IBM has been probably the leading large tech company promoting the Internet of Things up till now.───这是一个很有象征意义的演讲,也展现了IBM可能是至今在推动物联网发展方面领先的大型科技公司。

7、The perceptual layer is at the most front-end of information collection, which plays a fundamental role in the internet of things.───感知层在物联网体系中处于信息采集的最前端,对物联网的实现起着基础性作用;

8、Unless these systems have adequate security protection, the internet of things could easily become the internet of new things to be hacked.───除非这些系统有足够的安全保护,否则物联网很容易成为黑客攻击的新目标。

9、Wuxi RFID Intelligence Technology CO. , LTD target to be Chinese leading solution provider of the Internet of Things .───瑞孚特高新科技无锡有限公司将目标定位于做全国领先的物联网方案解决商。

the internet of things相似词语短语

1、on the internet───在网络上;在网上

2、surfing the internet───上网;网上冲浪

3、the internet has───互联网

4、with the internet───通过互联网

5、the internet girl───网络女孩

6、breaks the internet───破坏互联网

7、surfed the internet───上网;上网冲浪;网上冲浪;浏览因特网

8、the internet───互联网;因特网

9、break the internet───切断互联网

2、《The Internetof Risky Things》txt在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Internet of Risky Things (First Edition)》(Sean Smith)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1agHJEAEhPzmXfnHCbH8Vpg 提取码: 3wfu

书名:The Internet of Risky Things (First Edition)

作者:Sean Smith

出版社:O'REILLY Media




By 2020, the Internet of Things (IoT) will consist of millions of computational devices intimately connected to real-world aspects of human life. In this insightful book, Professor Sean Smith, who worked in information security long before the web appeared, explains that if we build the IoT the way we built the current internet and other information technology initiatives, we’re headed for trouble.

With a focus on concrete solutions, The Internet of Risky Things explains how we can avoid simple flaws that have plagued several dramatic IT advances in recent decades. Developers, engineers, industrial designers, makers, and researchers will explore "design patterns of insecurities" and learn what’s required to route around or fix them in the nascent IoT.

- Examine bugs that plague large-scale systems, including integer overflow, race conditions, and memory corruption

- Look at successful and disastrous examples of previous quantum leaps in health IT, the smart grid, and autonomous vehicles

- Explore patterns in coding, authentication, and cryptography that led to insecurity

- Learn how blunders that led to spectacular IT disasters could have been avoided


Professor Sean Smith has been working in information security--attacks and defenses, for industry and government--since before there was a Web. In graduate school, he worked with the US Postal Inspection Service on postal meter fraud; as a post-doc and staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, he performed security reviews, designs, analyses, and briefings for a wide variety of public-sector clients; at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, he designed the security architecture for (and helped code and test) the IBM 4758 secure coprocessor, and then led the formal modeling and verification work that earned it the world's first FIPS 140-1 Level 4 security validation.

In July 2000, Sean left IBM for Dartmouth, since he was convinced that the academic education and research environment is a better venue for changing the world. His current work, as PI of the Dartmouth Trust Lab and Director of Dartmouth's Institute for Security, Technology, and Society investigates how to build trustworthy systems in the real world.

At Dartmouth, many of his courses have been named "favorite classes" by graduating seniors. His book Trusted Computing Platforms: Design and Applications (Springer, 2005) provides a deeper presentation of this research journey; his book The Craft of System Security (Addison-Wesley, 2007) resulted from the educational journey.

Sean has published over one hundred refereed papers; been granted over a dozen patents; and advised over three dozen Ph.D., M.S., and senior honors theses. He and his students have won several "Best Paper" awards.

Sean was educated at Princeton and CMU, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi.

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