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the main characters中文翻译,the main characters是什么意思,the main characters发音、用法及例句

03-06 投稿

the main characters中文翻译,the main characters是什么意思,the main characters发音、用法及例句

the main characters

the main characters发音

英:  美:

the main characters中文意思翻译



the main characters双语使用场景

1、Huang, one of the main characters of which Verde has been fixed but things like sound like a snowball growing, so have to face up to.───其中主角之一的黄维德一直不动声响但目前事情像滚雪球似的越来越大,所以不得不正视。

2、main characters in the manga and anime "Rozen Maiden" are ball-jointed living dolls.───在日本动漫《蔷薇少女》中,主要的角色是球形的活娃娃。

3、Before the secrets are revealed to the main characters, the plot of the play proceeds as a series of sort of up and down moments.───在这些秘密被透露给主要角色之前,该戏剧的情节是一系列跌宕起伏的片段。

4、But in the whole of the dawn appear less, enough to hold up the main characters yet-to-be-titled biopic mei lanfang.───而黎明在整个剧中的戏份少了一些,还不足以撑起人物传记片梅兰芳这个主角的地位。

5、I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the main characters.───我不喜欢这本书,因为我无法与其中的任何主要角色产生共鸣。

6、Everybody is good, I the name is the movie speech TMNT ", first let us to meet the inside of the main characters! "───大家好,我演讲的**名字是《TMNT》,首先让我们先认识一下里面的主要角色吧!

7、After a brief introduction of the main characters, the picture is all fighting, all the time.───在主人公一段简短的介绍过后,这部影片一直都在进行枪战。

8、Beer foam, recognized as the flower of beer, is one of the main characters which distinguishes beer from other beverage.───前言:啤酒泡沫被誉为“啤酒之花”,是啤酒区别于其它饮品的主要特征之一。

9、The six-minute short film describes the scene of a wretched war field, reflecting the complicated relations between the main characters.───六分钟的**短片描述了悲惨的战争现场,反映了主要角色之间的复杂关系。

the main characters相似词语短语


2、main scene───主要景点;主场景;主体现场

3、the main───主要

4、macbeth characters───麦克白人物

5、bleach characters───漂白字符

6、main objectives───主要目标


8、main characters───主要特点,主要特征(maincharacter的复数);主要人物;主要性状;主要特点,主要特征(main character的复数)

9、in the main───主要; 大抵;基本上

英语高手翻译 Who is the main characters in this story What is he doing



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