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鲜艳的英语(vivid colors中文翻译,vivid colors是什么意思,vivid colors发音、用法及例句)

03-10 投稿

鲜艳的英语(vivid colors中文翻译,vivid colors是什么意思,vivid colors发音、用法及例句)

vivid colors

vivid colors发音

英:  美:

vivid colors中文意思翻译



vivid colors双语使用场景

1、These hats are usually vivid colors with what appears to be a bird or part of a bird perched on top.───这些帽子通常带有鲜明的颜色,在帽子顶端有部分鸟或鸟状的装饰。

2、Vivid colors and bizarre shapes come together in an image that could be an imaginative illustration for a fantasy story.───丰富的颜色加上古怪的形状,让这幅照片变得像童话中的幻境那样。

3、The long lasting beauty and vivid colors of South Africa's calla lilies are the inspiration behind professional beauty brand Callas.───灵感源自南非CallasLilies(水芋百合),专业美容品牌Callas让女士们拥有持久的秀丽,且有生动的容色。

4、If you did not choose for themselves on the powder, even a thin layer, are very unnatural, and can not long remain vivid colors, bright.───如果没有选对适合自己的粉,就算是薄薄的一层,都是非常不自然,且没办法长时间保持明艳、亮丽。

5、The whole scene starts out again in the vivid colors of the moment .───这一幕现在又有声有色地在我眼前一一重现。

6、This serene shot shows fog drifting over a remote pond's surface, with the vivid colors of the surrounding hills reflecting in its waters.───这张宁静的照片显示了浓雾飘过遥远池塘的表面,而周围丘陵的鲜艳色彩反映进到了湖水里面。

7、They're some of the most vivid colors you'll ever see.───它们会是你所见过的最鲜艳的色彩。

8、enough practice you can fly, visit exotic places, experience vivid colors, or eat all the ice cream you want, all without taking your head off the pillow.───练习足够多后,你可以飞起来,参观充满异国情调的地方,体验鲜艳的色彩,或者吃所有你想要的冰激凌,而不需要把头从枕头上移开。

9、CricKetvn - Vivid colors.───CricKetvn—颜色生动。

vivid colors相似词语短语


2、fancy vivid───花哨生动

3、vivid imagination───生动的想象力

4、vivid color───生动色彩

5、vivid verbs───生动动词

6、vivid blue───深湖蓝;碧蓝色


8、faithless vivid───不忠实的

9、vivid seats───生动的座位


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