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what matter中文翻译,what matter是什么意思,what matter发音、用法及例句

03-21 投稿

what matter中文翻译,what matter是什么意思,what matter发音、用法及例句

what matter

what matter发音

英:  美:

what matter中文意思翻译



what matter双语使用场景

1、matter is I enjoy in drinking.───重点在于我享受喝酒。

2、Even if I were to meet them on the road, what matter?───即使我在路上遇到他们,又有什么关系呢?

3、In another the lake of the part, have one? Object like firm person's fish at not know to do what matter.───在另一边的湖中,有一扎人鱼之类的物体在不知做什么事。

4、What matter is that, I can kind of look back and say, "pretty much anytime I got a chance to do something cool, I tried to grab for it. "───真正重要的是,当我回首往事时,我会说:「只要有机会去做那些很酷的事,我将会毫不犹豫的去争取。」

5、Don't get in his hair. Have what matter to say with me. He is tidying up material. He doesn't like to be bothered at this time.───别烦他了。有什么事跟我说。他正在整理材料。此时他不喜欢被打扰。

6、if h*e really what matter, ask you to tell me, good? Do you know? You not at of each second I all at worry about you!───如果真的有什么事,请你告诉我,好吗?你知道吗?你不在的每一秒我都在为你担心!

7、What you know does matter something, but what matter more is what you don't know.───你所知道的比较重要,但是你不知道的更重要。

8、What matter was it that on the outside of the jar, the eye of mere observation noted the words "Keelwell's Marmalade".───重要的是,在罐子的外面,仅仅凭观察就能看到“吉韦尔果酱”这几个字。

9、There is no resistance to life, what matter most is not the same as the dam water control of the time control.───人生最无可耐何之事,就是无法像水坝管制水量一样地管制时间。

what matter相似词语短语

1、does matter───有关系吗

2、no matter what happens───不管发生什么事,不管出现什么情况; 海枯石烂;无论发生什么事;无论出现什么情况

3、no matter what───无论如何,不管怎样;不管什么,无论什么

4、what the matter───怎么了

5、days matter───日子很重要

6、what matter is that───那有什么关系


8、fluxed matter───熔解物

9、on matter what───不管怎样

what's up和what happen这两个都是发生什么事情的意思吗,有什么区别?

what's up 意思是“怎么了,发生了什么事”相当于what's the matter或what's wrong

what happened语气较强,问具体发生的事情,尤其指较大的事情

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