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what did you do there中文翻译,what did you do there是什么意思,what did you do there发音、用法及例句

03-21 投稿

what did you do there中文翻译,what did you do there是什么意思,what did you do there发音、用法及例句

what did you do there

what did you do there发音

英:  美:

what did you do there中文意思翻译



what did you do there双语使用场景

1、What did you do there? I sang and danced with my new friends.───在那里你做了什么?我和新的朋友们唱歌跳舞。

2、What did you do there? We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum.───你们在那里干了什么?我们去了外滩并且参观了上海博物馆。

3、You just left your longtime job as a banker for Goldman Sachs in London, where you live. What did you do there, exactly?───你作为伦敦的高胜银行家有很长时间了,你生活在那里,准确地说是从事什么?

4、you do there besides fishing?───你们在那里除了钓鱼之外还干什么?

5、What did you do there? I rowed a boat and took pictures.───在那里你做了什么?我划船了并拍了相片。

6、What did you do there? I swam and ate some pineapples.───你在那里做了些什么?我游泳,还吃了菠萝。

7、What did you do there? I saw pandas.───在那里你做了什么?我看熊猫了。

8、What did you do there? I swam and ate some pineapples.───你在那里做了些什么?我游泳、吃了菠萝。

9、what did you do there? 36. We played at the seaside. 37. How was the weather there?───你在那里做什么?36.我在海边玩。37.那里的天气怎样?

what did you do there相似词语短语

1、what did he do───他做了什么

2、do what you do───做你该做的

3、what did you do with it───你用它做了什么

4、you do what───你做什么

5、what did she do───她做了什么

6、what did you───你做了什么

7、what did i do───我该怎么做

8、what you did───你所作的

9、what did───做了什么

where did you go there是什么意思


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