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turn about中文翻译,turn about是什么意思,turn about发音、用法及例句

03-21 投稿

turn about中文翻译,turn about是什么意思,turn about发音、用法及例句

turn about

turn about发音

英:  美:

turn about中文意思翻译



turn about双语使用场景

1、If we do the work turn and turn about, we can finish it quickly.───如果我们轮换着做这个工作,我们能很快地把它完成。

2、I told you, the last time you were here with a grievance, that you had better turn about.───我告诉你,上一次你到这儿来诉苦的时候,我就告诉你最好回心转意。

3、After a year of almost continuous retreat in Africa, Sicily, and Italy, the German troops were glad to turn about and fight.───一年来,德军从非洲,西西里岛和意大利几乎马不停蹄地后撤,这时高兴地转过身来杀回马枪了。

4、"Mrs. Narracombe, my aunt, " had a quick, dark eye, like a mother wild-duck's and something of the same snaky turn about her neck.───“纳拉科姆太太,我的姑母,”长着一双锐敏的黑眼睛,活象只野鸭,脖子也有那么点儿细细弯弯的。

5、Gerardo Miranda said he was so nervous he made a wrong turn about a mile from the hospital.───吉拉尔多·米兰达说,当距离医院还差1英里的地方,他因为太紧张而拐错了弯。

6、If it's doomed to be strangers, then let us turn about firmly, forgetting the past, forgetting to cry.───如果注定要成为陌路,那么就让我们绝决地转身,忘记了最初,忘记了哭!

7、They could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn't find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds.───他们可以在未知的海域航行数天,并对该地区进行评估。他们知道如果没有发现任何东西的话,他们可以掉头,并借着信风迅速返回。

8、That was agreeable, so they chewed it turn about, and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment.───这是令人愉快的,所以他们就轮流把它嚼了嚼,然后他们悬着腿,坐在长凳上,非常开心。

9、You had your chance then; seems to be it's mine now. Turn about's fair play.───那时是你的机会,看起来现在轮到我了。一人一遭,天公地道。

turn about相似词语短语

1、about turn───拐弯

2、turn turn turn───转身,转身


4、turn grow───转成长

5、turn green───变绿(色);变绿;变得环保

6、good turn───n.善意的或友谊的行为;恩惠;n.善意的或友谊的行为,恩惠; 好事


8、n turn───n转弯

9、turn and turn───转啊转



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