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letterbox(letter box中文翻译,letter box是什么意思,letter box发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

letterbox(letter box中文翻译,letter box是什么意思,letter box发音、用法及例句)

1、letter box

letter box发音

英:[ˈletər bɑːks]  美:[ˈletə bɒks]

英:  美:

letter box中文意思翻译




letter box双语使用场景

1、What do you call a man who arrives in your letter box?───你把到达你信箱里的人叫做什么 呢 ?

2、Tom climbed into in the letter box and shut the door from the inside.───汤姆爬进了信箱里,然后从里面将门关上.

3、The postman is always putting your letters in my letter box.───邮递员总是把你的信放在我的信箱里。

4、Then she puts it in a letter box.───然后她把它放进邮箱.

5、He stamped the letter, sealed it off and then, put it into a letter box.───他在信上贴好邮票, 封好信口,然后把信投入信箱.

6、Post the letter through the slit in the letter box .───最近的邮政信箱在哪儿?

7、Post the letter through the slit in the letter box.───把这封信从信箱的投信口投进去.

8、I dropped by the post office and put my letters into the letter box.───我去邮局,把信投到信箱里.

9、Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box.───思绪象不平静的风在信箱里蜿蜒着.

10、Where is the nearest letter box?───离这里最近的邮政信箱在哪儿?

11、She goes down the street, she doesn't find a letter box, but she finds a basket.───她在大街上, 没有找到信箱, 但她发现一个篮子.

12、afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office.───下午的时候她把信放进了邮局的邮箱。

13、There's a policeman standing near the letter box.───有个警察站在信箱旁边.

14、He had nailed up the letter box at the door.───他把信箱钉在门上.

letter box相似词语短语

1、litter box───沙土障碍;垃圾箱;产仔箱;猫砂盆

2、litter boxes───沙土障碍;垃圾箱;产仔箱;猫砂盆

3、fetter bone───大骨


5、letter drop───投信口

6、letter boxes───邮筒;供料机通道口

7、letter bombs───书信炸弹


9、letter bomb───书信炸弹


chimney pot 烟囱管帽 drainpipe排水管

skylight 天窗 washbasin洗脸盆

floorboards木质地板(一定复数)shower 淋浴器

attic(亦作loft)阁楼 tiles瓷砖(复数)

aerial天线 bath浴缸

chimney烟囱 toilet 坐便器

gutter屋檐上的雨水槽 cabinet 贮藏柜

satellite dish卫星电视碟形天线 wardrobe衣柜

window窗户 chest of drawers衣橱

windowsill窗台 bedsid table 床头柜

windowbox窗口花坛 double bed 双人床

porch门廊 rug 小地毯

letter box信箱 shelf 搁板

step台阶 cupboard橱柜

lamp灯 worktop操作台(厨房案板神马的)

armchair扶手椅 fridge冰箱冷藏室

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