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takecareof是什么意思(take care of中文翻译,take care of是什么意思,take care of发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

takecareof是什么意思(take care of中文翻译,take care of是什么意思,take care of发音、用法及例句)

1、take care of

take care of发音

英:  美:

take care of中文意思翻译



照顾; 处理

take care of双语使用场景

1、We need to take care of our bodies.───我们需要照顾好自己的身体。

2、She asked the chambermaid to take care of him.───她请女服务员照顾他.

3、She stayed to take care of her mother.───她留下来照料她母亲.

4、He had other people to take care of besides me.───除了我以外,他还需要照料其他人.

5、I can take care of your kind.───我能对付像你这样的家伙。

6、See that you take care of him.───一定要照顾好他。

7、You have to learn to take care of your possessions.───你得学会保管好自己的财物。

8、They appointed her to take care of that old man.───他们委派她照顾那位老人.

9、He's old enough to take care of himself.───他已经不小了,能照顾自己了。

10、you take care of him.───你一定要好好照顾他。

11、Don't worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself.───你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。

12、We need to take care of our bodies.───我们需要注意身体。

13、You take care of your end, kid, I'll take care of mine.───你管好你的事,孩子,我会管好我的。

14、She is too flighty to take care of young children.───她太不负责任,不能照顾小孩.

15、I take care of them to the best of my abilities.───我尽我所能地照顾他们。

16、And I will take care of you, I promise.───我保证, 我一定照顾你.

17、The firm has more clients than it can take care of.───这家商行的主顾多得应接不暇.

18、Her work is to take care of the children.───她的工作是照料好孩子.

take care of相似词语短语

1、take years off───显得年轻

2、take care───注意;小心

3、take part in───参加,参与

4、take hold of───v.握住

5、take credit───认为是……的功劳;居功

6、take care of sth/sb───照顾某事/某人

7、take care of sth───处理某事

8、(in) care of───(在)照管

9、take leave of───向…告别

2、英文 Take care (of) 用法与中文意思!看例句一次搞懂

英文片语 Take care (of) 的用法跟中文意思 ,你已经知道了吗?Take care (of) 最常见的意思,就是照顾、照料…的意思,但其实这个英文片语衍伸出的意思还挺多的,如果你还不知道这个英文片语的各种用法,那就赶快来看这篇英文文章吧!

下面教学英文片语 Take care (of) 用法与中文意思。


1. take care of *** /sth 照顾、照料

take care 后面的介系词是 of ,of 后面可以接人或是事物,也就是去照顾某人或是照料某件事的意思。

例: I can take care of her. 我可以照顾她。

例: Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself. 别担心我,我能照顾好自己。

例: Take care of my brother and sister. 照顾我兄弟姐妹。

2.take care of sth 负责处理

take care of 其实不只有照顾、照料的意思,还有负责处理的意思唷,take care of 当作「负责处理」的意思时,后面接事物。

例: I’ll take care of it. 我会负责处理它。

例: Please take care of this. 请负责处理这个。

例: You buy the drinks for the party, I’ll take care of the food. 你买好舞会的饮料,我负责食物。

3.take care (of yourself) 保重

take care (of yourself) 本身还有「保重」的意思喔。take care 如果要当成「保重」的意思,你可以简单的说 take care,或是后面再加上 of yourself。

例: Take care. 保重。

例: Take care of yourself. 你多保重。

上面就是英文片语 Take care (of) 的三种用法跟中文意思啦,赶快学起来吧!

take care, Take care of, Take care of 中文, Take care of 意思, Take care of 用法, take care 中文, take care 意思, take care 用法

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