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disaster recovery中文翻译,disaster recovery是什么意思,disaster recovery发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

disaster recovery中文翻译,disaster recovery是什么意思,disaster recovery发音、用法及例句

disaster recovery

disaster recovery发音

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disaster recovery中文意思翻译




disaster recovery双语使用场景

1、The disaster recovery backup methods and backup mechanism analyzed in detail from the aspect of technique.───从技术角度对软交换的容灾备份方式、备份机制作了较详细的分析.

2、And having implemented the subject database properly and established backup and disaster recovery mechanism 3.───合理规划了主题数据库,建立了数据库备份和容灾机制.

3、OBJECTIVE: To offer the disaster recovery scheme of the drugstore insurance computer system.───目的: 为药店“医保”计算机系统提供容灾方案.

4、I joined the disaster recovery drill and the actual recovery the accident of local blackout.───还参加了灾难备份中心的应急演练和当地大停电时的灾难恢复.

5、Data indexing, archiving, disaster recovery, and security are all possibilities, too, Nick says.───数据索引 、 数据归档 、 灾难恢复, 以及数据安全,所有这些都有可能, 尼克表示.

6、High Availability Data Replication ( HDR ) provides complete turn - key disaster recovery.───高可靠性数据复制 ( HDR ) 提供即时的灾难恢复.

7、Techniques and Application in BSS Disaster Recovery and Backup System ( Part One )───BSS容灾备份系统中的相关技术及应用 ( 上 )

8、This image is also sent to our disaster recovery site.───这个映像也被发送到灾难恢复站点。

9、Any additional capacity is used for new users and disaster recovery purposes.───这样任何额外的资源都可以用于新用户和备份恢复.

10、Review disaster recovery options at all levels.───检查所有级别的灾难恢复选项。

11、The database disaster recovery system is an effective approach to improve the security of data.───数据库灾难备份系统是提高数据安全性的有效手段.

12、Hedge - Connect was a disaster recovery business and it was incredibly appropriate as I eventually found out.───Hedge-Connect是一家灾难重建公司,这相当令人难以置信,但我终于找到了.

13、the cloud an alternative for disaster recovery?───计算是不是灾难恢复的一种可选方式?

14、Techniques and Application in BSS Disaster Recovery and Backup System ( Part Two )───BSS容灾备份系统中的相关技术及应用 ( 下 )

disaster recovery相似词语短语

1、disaster reliefs───赈灾;灾难援助

2、disaster zones───灾区

3、debt recovery───债务追讨;债务回购

4、modest recovery───适度复苏

5、drive the recovery───推动复苏

6、disaster movies───灾难大**(**名)

7、disaster relief───赈灾;灾难援助

8、disaster movie───灾难大**(**名)

9、disaster zone───灾区


D-R是指“Disaster Recovery”,即灾难恢复。在计算机系统中,灾难包括自然灾害、黑客攻击等导致系统瘫痪的情况。



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