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waiting room中文翻译,waiting room是什么意思,waiting room发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

waiting room中文翻译,waiting room是什么意思,waiting room发音、用法及例句

waiting room

waiting room发音

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waiting room中文意思翻译



waiting room双语使用场景

1、The rectory's first floor had the parish office, a waiting room, and a meeting room.───教区牧师的一楼有了教区办公室, 一个候车室, 和一个会议房间.

2、After the immigration, you will find them in the waiting room.───入境后, 你会在候机室看到.

3、In a veterinarians waiting room : Be back in 5 minutes, Sit! Stay!───兽医的候诊内: 稍候5分钟. 趴下,别动!

4、I kept trying to write my paper in the waiting room, but it was too hard.───我试着在等候室里写作文, 但我办不到.

5、She found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waiting room.───她在她的牙医的候诊室发现了那份杂志很早之前的一期.

6、First you go to the waiting room.───请先到候车室.

7、They had to sit in the waiting room for an hour.───他们不得不在候车室里等了一个小时。

8、There's always plenty to read in the waiting room.───候诊室里总是有许多可供阅读的.

9、The Brasser brothers had cornered him in a small waiting room.───布拉塞尔兄弟把他堵在一间小型接待室里.

10、Now mother and daughter are alloted to nothing but a small waiting room.───现在她们两母子被安排在一间细小的等候室.

11、I glimpsed her in the waiting room as I picked up her chart.───在候诊室收表格是我看到了她.

12、You've got two minutes to get to the union station waiting room.───你有两分钟时间赶到联合站台候车室.

13、She fainted in the waiting room and had to be carried out.───她在候车室里晕过去了,被抬了出去.

14、Two children were in a doctor's waiting room. The little girl was softly sobbing.───两个小孩在医生的候诊室里. 小女孩在轻轻的哭.

15、The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room.───两位医生从医院候诊室的门前走过.

16、Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit.───候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。

17、Please wait in the waiting room.───请在候诊室等待.

18、Where is the waiting room and how to get on board?───96请问在哪里候车、乘车(根据旅客购票点不同)?

19、Why do patients hae to sIt'so long in the waiting room?───为什么患者必需在候诊室等那么久?

20、He is just sitting inside the plane waiting room to wait the plane at this moment.───他此刻正坐在飞机侯机室里等飞机.

21、You can wait in the waiting room No. XX.───这趟车在XX号候车室.

22、Take a seat in the waiting room; the doctor will see you presently.───在候诊室坐一会儿, 医生马上会来给你看病.

23、We were shown into the waiting room.───我们被领进等候室。

24、The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head.───候诊室里唯一的杂志是一份全是术语的科学期刊,我看不懂.

25、Would you like to have a rest in our waiting room first?───请你在我们休息室先休息一下好 吗 ?

26、If they sit in waiting room with a chest pain, that's not very efficient.───如果胸痛患者在候诊室中等待的话, 并不是非常有效率.

27、Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit.───等候室的告示要求人们不要吸烟也不要随地吐痰。

28、Four expectant fathers were in a Minneapolis hospital waiting room , while their wives were in labour.───四个准爸爸坐在明尼波利斯的医院中焦急地等待着, 他们的妻子就快要分娩了.

29、They showed me into a bleak waiting room.───他们引我来到一间阴冷的会客室.

30、She leafed through some old magazines that were kept in the waiting room.───她翻看着停放在室里的旧杂志.

31、My first act was to run into the waiting room.───我的第一个行动就是跑进客厅.

waiting room相似词语短语


2、cutting room───(**)剪接室

3、writing room───写作室

4、waiting rooms───等候室;侯诊室

5、writing rooms───写作室

6、editing room───剪辑室

7、fitting room───服装店的试衣室;装配车间

8、editing rooms───编辑室

9、dining room───餐厅

wait for和wait on的区别?

Wait for 表示等待某个特定的事情发生,例如等待一个人到来或等待一份工作完成。而 wait on 则表示需要依赖或倚赖某个人或事情才能进行下一步行动,例如需要等待别人给你指示或需要等待某个进程完成或返回结果,通常用于计算机或业务场景中。

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