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deliver a speech中文翻译,deliver a speech是什么意思,deliver a speech发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

deliver a speech中文翻译,deliver a speech是什么意思,deliver a speech发音、用法及例句

deliver a speech

deliver a speech发音

英:  美:

deliver a speech中文意思翻译




deliver a speech双语使用场景

1、The president will deliver a speech at our commencement.───校长将要我们的毕业典礼上发表演说.

2、The president will deliver a speech about schools.───总统将就学校问题发表讲话。

3、When it was my turn to deliver a speech, I was so nervous and embarrassed.───当轮到我演讲时,我感到非常紧张和尴尬。

4、He did not deliver a speech, a decision that White House officials said was made to avoid creating any appearance of exploiting the families of the victims for political gain.───他没有发表演讲,白宫官方做出决定,避免由于政治上的成功而引起任何加深遇害者家人的行为。

5、The president will deliver a speech about schools.───校长将发表关于学校的演讲。

deliver a speech相似词语短语

1、deliver an improvement───实现改进

2、prepare a speech───准备演讲稿

3、deliver a verdict───宣判

4、deliver a letter───下书

5、direct speech───直接引语

6、delayed speech───言语迟缓;延迟性言语不清

7、give a speech───做演讲

8、make a speech───发表演讲

9、deliver a lecture───发表演讲


piror to是before的意思,to在这里是一个介词,所以要用ing形式;

deliver可以有发表演说的意思,deliver a speech;另外它还有递送,接生,生(小孩)的意思

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