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tell the time中文翻译,tell the time是什么意思,tell the time发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

tell the time中文翻译,tell the time是什么意思,tell the time发音、用法及例句

tell the time

tell the time发音

英:  美:

tell the time中文意思翻译



tell the time双语使用场景

1、My child can already tell the time by the clock.───我的孩子已经能认钟表了.

2、My child is only four but he can tell the time by the clock.───我的小孩只有四岁,但他会看钟点了.

3、She's only five she can't tell the time yet.───她才五岁--还不会看表.

4、He can not tell the time. His watch must have stopped.───他不知道现在是几点几刻. 他的表一定是停了.

5、My four-year-old daughter cannot quite tell the time.───我4岁的女儿不太会看时间。

6、Although that child is eight years old, he does not know how to tell ( the ) time.───那孩子八岁了, 可现在还不会看钟.

7、She's only five so she can't tell the time yet.───她才五岁因此还不会看表.

8、Although my little grandson is only four, he can tell the time exactly.───虽然我的小孙子只有4岁, 他能准确地认出钟点.

9、He can not tell the time.───他不知道现在是几点几刻.

10、Our watch can tell the time of itself.───我家的钟表可以自动报时.

11、Can you tell the time in English?───你能用英语报时 吗 ?

12、The tire form contain alarm clock function, can set to tell the time.───轮胎表有闹钟功能, 可以设定报时.

13、Can Mary tell the time yet ?───玛丽能看得懂钟表的走时 吗 ?

14、The child can not tell the time yet.───那个孩子还看不懂钟表的走时.

15、She's only five—she hasn't learnt to tell the time yet.───她才五岁,还没有学会看钟表。

16、The boy can now tell the time.───这孩子现在会看表了.

tell the time相似词语短语

1、to tell the time───告诉时间

2、half the time───一半时间;经常

3、behind the times───过时,落伍,落在时代后面

4、call the tune───v.掌权,有决定权;定调子,发号施令;操纵

5、turn the tide───扭转局势;转变运气

6、to call the tune───调出调子

7、all the same───仍然

8、all the time───始终,一直

9、stem the tide───阻止

teII _the time?

在题目的这个句法结构中,tell是及物动词,气候必须跟个一个名词,表示tell的对象是什么,因此,tell后应该填写的是名词,表示的是告诉的对象是谁。如tell me the time(告诉我时间)等等

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