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threw up(throw up中文翻译,throw up是什么意思,throw up发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

threw up(throw up中文翻译,throw up是什么意思,throw up发音、用法及例句)

1、throw up

throw up发音

英:  美:

throw up中文意思翻译


放弃; 呕吐; 产生(人才); 匆匆建造(某物)


throw up双语使用场景

1、I try to eat, but I immediately throw up.───病人:我试着吃点, 但马上就吐出来了.

2、Don't throw up your education by leaving now.───别现在就离开,荒废了你的学业.

3、I'm going to throw up.───我快吐了。

4、Or are they just going to throw up their hands and say you're asking too much?───或许他们只会愤怒地挥舞着双手说你的要求太过分了?

5、I felt some nausea and retched several times. But I didn't throw up anything.───我感到恶心,干呕了几次, 但没吐出什么来.

6、Just the thought of eating snakes makes me want to throw up.───只要一想到吃蛇,我就想呕吐.

7、You shouldn't throw up a chance like that!───像那样的机会你真不该错过!

8、Upon seeing their ashen faces, Hsin - mei said, " Did you throw up?───辛楣瞧他们脸色灰白, 说: “ 吐了 么 ?

9、It's bad to throw up one's job just because one's been criticized.───挨了批评就撂挑子是不好的.

10、He feels like his going to throw up all the time.───他感觉好像总想要吐.

11、I would throw up the sponge and walk out.───我赌气而走.

12、The strong smell made me throw up.───这强烈的气味使我呕吐了.

13、The smell made me want to throw up.───这味道使得我想呕吐。

14、When I get seasick , I throw up my food.───我一晕船就呕吐.

15、The smell of the drain is enough to make one throw up.───那条下水道的气味足以令人呕吐.

16、Don't do any exercise after a meal, o you might throw up.───不要在用餐后做任何运动, 不然你可能会呕吐.

17、" You needn't throw up your success to me.───" 你不用向我炫耀你的成功.

18、I want to throw up.───我想吐。

throw up相似词语短语

1、thrown up───推上;呕吐

2、show up───露面;露出;揭露

3、throw in───扔进;边线发球,掷界外球

4、threw up───呕吐;抛起;匆匆建造;放弃

5、throws up───呕吐;抛起;匆匆建造;放弃

6、throw out───v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出

7、throw rug───小张地毯(等于scatterrug)

8、grow up───成长,逐渐形成

9、throw mud───扔泥



过去式:threw; 过去分词:thrown; 现在分词:throwing; 


①不及物动词丢; 抛; 投掷

②及物动词抛; 掷(色子); 猛动(头、臂、腿); 使处于,使限于

throw 相关词组

1. throw up : 呕吐, 产生, 使显眼;

2. throw oneself into : 积极从事;

3. throw out : 伸出, 扔掉, 说出, 解雇, 拒绝, 显示, 散发出, 放出, 派出, 使延伸, 打扰, 使出局;

4. throw down : 扔下, 使卧倒;

5. throw away : 扔掉;

6. throw over : 抛弃, 使覆盖;

7. throw in : 扔进;

8. throw together : 匆匆拼凑;

9. throw about : 到处扔, 舞动;

10. throw back : 阻止, 反射;

11. throw by : 扔掉;

12. throw a fit : 大发脾气;

throw 相关例句:


The horse threw its rider.马把骑者掀落在地上。

He quickly threw the ball to another player.他迅速把球传给了另一名球员。

 Her last question threw me for a moment.她最后一个问题我一时回答不出。



. Can you throw well?

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