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trickle down中文翻译,trickle down是什么意思,trickle down发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

trickle down中文翻译,trickle down是什么意思,trickle down发音、用法及例句

trickle down

trickle down发音

英:[ˈtrɪkl daʊn]  美:[ˈtrɪkl daʊn]

英:  美:

trickle down中文意思翻译



trickle down双语使用场景

1、Indeed, events are surmounting behind the scenes, soon to trickle down in physical manifestation.───事实上, 事件是在幕后, 就像在顶上即将滴下来在物理世界呈现.

2、Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of economic trickle - down to be had from the super - rich.───不幸的是, 超级富翁世界并不会有许多经济下滑的现象.

3、Throw enough money at Wall Street, and it will eventually trickle down to Main Street.───把足够的钱扔给华尔街, 它将慢慢流向主街.

4、At the thought of this , sweat oozes from my forehead and tears trickle down my cheeks.───我不禁头涔涔而泪潸潸了.

5、He felt the blood move stickily from his splIt'scalp and trickle down his forehead.───他感觉到血从裂开的头皮中流了出来,粘粘的,滴到了他的前额上.

6、will ultimately trickle down to you.───最终还是会反应到你头上。

7、In the condenser, hot steam condenses into liquid, the trickle - down pipeline.───在冷凝器里, 炽热的蒸汽凝结成液体, 滴入管道.

8、Pete felt a bead of sweat trickle down his face.───皮特感觉到一颗汗珠从他脸上流下.

9、Meantime the tears had overflowed their banks, and begun to trickle down Tom's cheeks.───与此同时,泪水已溢出了眼眶,开始顺着汤姆的脸颊淌下来。

10、A chill started at theof my head and began to trickle down.───一股寒气从头顶开始往下蔓延到全身.

trickle down相似词语短语



3、buckle down───倾全力;开始认真从事

4、to trickle down───涓涓细流

5、strike down───杀死;击倒

6、knuckle down───屈服;开始认真工作

7、trickled down───向下滴流

8、trickles down───向下滴流

9、trickling down───向下滴流


涓滴效应(Trickle-down effect,又译作渗漏效应、滴漏效应)也称作“涓滴理论”(Trickle-down theory,又译作利益均沾论、渗漏理论、滴漏理论),指在经济发展过程中并不给与贫困阶层、弱势群体或贫困地区特别的优待,而是由优先发展起来的群体或地区通过消费、就业等方面惠及贫困阶层或地区,带动其发展和富裕,这被称作是“涓滴效应”。

由此还有“涓滴经济学”(trickle down economics),常用来形容里根经济学,因为里根政府执行的经济政策认为,政府救济不是救助穷人最好的方法,应该通过经济增长使总财富增加,最终使穷人受益。

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