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in a second中文翻译,in a second是什么意思,in a second发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

in a second中文翻译,in a second是什么意思,in a second发音、用法及例句

in a second

in a second发音

英:  美:

in a second中文意思翻译



in a second双语使用场景

1、He looked up distractedly. "Be with you in a second."───他心不在焉地抬头道:“一会儿就来。”

2、Sam struck on that anthology in a second hand book store.───萨姆在一家旧书店里偶然发现了那本选集.

3、Excuse me , I will be back in a second.───对不起, 我立刻就回来.

4、He looked up distractedly. "Be with you in a second."───他心不在焉地抬头说:“马上就来。”

5、The flames licked up the buildings in a second.───火焰在片刻之间吞卷了建筑物.

6、He said his uncle went to work in a second - hand car.───他说他叔叔开一辆二手车上班.

7、He poked about in a second - hand bookstore.───他逛了一家旧书店.

8、They sat in a second - class compartment.───他们乘坐的是二等车厢.

9、We bought it in a second - rate department store.───我们在一家二流的百货店买下它的.

10、I'll be with you in a second.───我马上就去你那儿。

11、Flames licked up a row of buildings in a second.───大火一会儿就吞没了一排建筑物.

12、I stumbled upon the rare book in a second - hand bookstore.───我在一家旧书店偶然找到这本珍贵的书.

13、I'll come down in a second.───我马上就下来。

14、In a second interview in the forest she warns the clergyman against Chillingworth.───另一次,她同牧师在森林会面,便提醒牧师防备齐灵沃思.

15、I picked up that dictionary in a second - hand book shop.───这本字典是我偶然在一家旧书店里找到的.

16、He happened on the book in a second - hand bookstore.───他在旧书店偶然发现了这本书.

17、The successful event was radiated in a second through the newspaper.───这个成功事件通过报纸迅速传播开来.

18、In a second George stood framed in the door, and he looked disapprovingly about.───霎时,乔治便在房门口出现, 带着颇不以为然的神情四下张望.

in a second相似词语短语

1、just a second───稍等一下

2、in accord───符合

3、to second───到秒

4、leap second───闰秒

5、to abscond───潜逃


7、in a word───总之;简言之

8、in a spin───手忙脚乱

9、in a sense───在某种意义上

in a second和in a short time区别?

in a second和in a short time的区别如下:

含义不同 。in a second意思是立刻、马上;in a short time意思是很快。

侧重点不同 。in a second侧重于强调时间短;in a short time侧重于强调时间相对长。

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