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on going中文翻译,on going是什么意思,on going发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

on going中文翻译,on going是什么意思,on going发音、用法及例句

on going

on going发音

英:[ˈɑːnɡoʊɪŋ]  美:[ˈɒnɡəʊɪŋ]

英:  美:

on going中文意思翻译



on going双语使用场景

1、She was set on going to an all-girls school.───她执意要去一所女子学校读书。

2、The foundations have been laid and negotiations are on-going, but I'm not allowed to divulge any more information right now.───这些基础和谈判将被添加上去,但是我现在不被允许向外界说更多的信息。

3、'Most of my money seems to go on going out, I'm not a big saver, but then again I would save more if I earned more money.───钱总是哗哗地往外流,我不怎么存钱。不过如果我赚得更多的话,我应该也会存得更多。

4、So you've just got to keep going on going, even when folks are criticizing you, when you know you're doing it for other people.───所以你必须坚持下去,即使所有人都在批评你,只要你知道你是在为其他人服务,你就要坚持下去。

5、Okay, so are we agreed on going north?───好吧,那么我们同意了向北走吗?

6、I just don't particularly like the idea of wasting a three-day trip out of the office on going to a different city.───我只是不想把三天假期浪费在办公室外的另一个城市而已。

7、We spent a little time looking at various exploit possibilities, and some of that work is still on-going.───我们花费稍时间看不同的开发可能性,工作仍是正在进行的一些。

8、If I ask him for money to buy cigarettes he insists on going with me to purchase them. He will not be left alone, not for a second.───如果我向他要钱去买烟,他便非跟我一道去不可,他自个儿绝不独自呆着,一秒钟也不。

9、You're not keen on going, are you?───你不是很想走,对吗?

on going相似词语短语

1、get going───开始;出发;着手



4、on point───适用;合时宜;合适


6、on song───处于最佳状态



9、be going───n.(Bego)人名;(塞)贝戈


ongoing英 [ˈɒngəʊɪŋ] 美 [ˈɑngoʊɪŋ] adj.不间断的,进行的; 前进的;n.前进,发展; 行为,举止;同义词 be in progress; be underway; carry on;carry out;

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