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to be continued是什么意思(to continued中文翻译,to continued是什么意思,to continued发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

to be continued是什么意思(to continued中文翻译,to continued是什么意思,to continued发音、用法及例句)

to continued

to continued发音

英:  美:

to continued中文意思翻译



to continued双语使用场景

1、What are the barriers to continued growth?───继续增长的障碍是什么?

2、This, he argues, points to continued demand for gold from investors.───这表明投资者对黄金的需求将会继续增长。

3、Researchers are trying to understand what factors have contributed to continued outbreaks despite significant control efforts.───研究人员正试图弄清什么因素导致在采取了严密的控制措施后,禽流感继续爆发。

4、Climate change should never be used as a reason for condemning to continued poverty.───气候变化不应成为谴责世界上贫穷国家始终贫困的原因。

5、Due to continued political, economic and societal chaos in Russia, the Russian navy is in a badly deteriorated state.───由于俄罗斯持续的政治,经济,社会混乱,俄海军的处境极为糟糕。

6、With projects like this one, and others across this country, we are staking our claim to continued leadership in the new global economy.───像这样的项目工程,还有其他跨越国界的,在新的全球经济一体化下,我们正在获得继续领导的权利。

7、Standards for energy conservation shall be technically advanced and economically rational and be subject to continued improvement.───制定有关节能的标准应当做到技术上先进,经济上合理,并不断加以完善和改进。

8、The urbanization is an inevitable outcome of social development. Works of urban geology must give service to continued economic development.───城市化是社会发展的必然趋势,城市地质工作必须要为经济可持续发展服务。

9、First, they want the new administration to explicitly commit itself to continued engagement in Europe, both in NATO and with the EU.───首先,他们想要美国新政府明确承诺,继续其在欧洲同北约和欧盟之间的约定。

to continued相似词语短语

1、to contund───继续


3、to contend───争辩

4、to continue───继续


6、to convince───说服

7、to recontinue───重新继续


9、to confine───限制

to be continued是什么意思?

to be continued待续双语对照词典结果:to be continued[英][tu: bi: kənˈtinju:d][美][tu bi kənˈtɪnjud]待续(用于报刊上连载的文章等); 未完待续; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.To be continued as life continues to unfold. 未完待续作为终身继续开展。

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