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good people中文翻译,good people是什么意思,good people发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

good people中文翻译,good people是什么意思,good people发音、用法及例句

good people

good people发音

英:  美:

good people中文意思翻译


仙女们; 良


good people双语使用场景

1、What good people," thought Pinocchio to himself.───多好的人啊。”皮诺乔心里想。

2、If I hit every shot good, people would say I wasn't working.───如果我每杆都打好了, 人们会说我没好好工作.

3、All my subordinates are good people and know what they are doing.───我的所有属员都是很理想的人,他们知道自己正在做什么.

4、What about the unfairness of life? Why do bad things happen to good people?───那怎么解释人生的不公呢?为什么坏事会降临在好人头上?

5、Bad people were not looked down on and good people were not looked up to.───坏人不臭,好人不香

6、The bad eggs wielded power, while the good people were oppressed.───坏人当道, 好人受气

7、It is often said that good people can make any organization work.───人们常说,高明的人能使任何组织发挥功效.

8、Good people and good deeds can be found everywhere.───好人好事,比比皆是。

9、Similarly, companies from the good people will not stop before!───同样, 企业离开了优秀的人才将会停止不前!

10、Good people keep their integrity at a high level.───善良的人保持完整,在高水平.

11、so-called good people as we are called.───我们被称为所谓的好人。

12、There are many instances of good people and good deeds in our factory.───我们厂里,好人好事的例子很多.

13、We should commend good people and good deeds.───我们应当表扬好人好事.

14、Every company has lost good people who have simply been in the wrong job.───每家公司都曾损失一些有用的人才,只不过是因为把他们安排错了岗位.

15、They're good people, and you did a great job, and I appreciate it.───他们是优秀的人, 你们干得很好, 我很感激.

16、" I seen too many good people get in trouble because of the booze. "───“ 我亲眼看到过许多人由于酗酒而惹得一身麻烦. ”

17、But you are two good people, and I intend to make it up between you.───但你们是两个好人, 我还是想给你们调解调解.

good people相似词语短语

1、most people───多数人

2、boat people───n.乘小船出逃的难民

3、pod peoples───豆荚人

4、to depeople───解散

5、to people───对人

6、the good people───(神话中的)仙妖;好人

7、good peoples───好人

8、more people───更多的人

9、pod people───吊舱人

Everyone is good at something,but some people are traly talented是什么意思?



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