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shop assistant翻译(shop assistants中文翻译,shop assistants是什么意思,shop assistants发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

shop assistant翻译(shop assistants中文翻译,shop assistants是什么意思,shop assistants发音、用法及例句)

shop assistants

shop assistants发音

英:[ˈʃɑːp əsɪstənt]  美:[ˈʃɒp əsɪstənt]

英:  美:

shop assistants中文意思翻译


n.店员( shop assistant的名词复数 )

shop assistants双语使用场景

1、Shop assistants should do their best endeavors to give the customers satisfaction.───店员应该尽力使顾客满意.

2、I don't like oily shop assistants.───我不喜欢过分殷勤的店员.

3、Usually the shop assistants say are sorry, but sometimes they get mad.───通常那些店员会说抱歉, 但有时候他们会发脾气.

4、so many customers that the shop assistants couldn't attend to them all.───顾客很多,售货员应接不暇。

5、The shop - assistants in this chinaware shop are also good at Broken porcelain.───也可以在任何一家玻璃器皿或瓷器店中买到.

6、Or bored, uninterested shop assistants?───或者是无聊、冷淡的店员?

7、When the sale started the shop assistants were rushed off their feet.───生意一开始,售货员们便忙得不可开交.

8、Nobody is better placed to benefit from shoplifting than the shop assistants.───但是,从顾客行窃行为中获益最多的莫过于店员.

9、There were several strata of shop assistants in old China.───店员有不同的阶层.

10、Some shop assistants are frosty in manner repelling customers from a distance.───有些售货员态度冷若冰霜,拒人千里之外.

11、Before Christmas the shop assistants are rushed off their feet.───圣诞节前店员忙得不可开交.

12、They are shop assistants.───他们是售货员.

13、The shop assistants didn't really want to discuss the matter, saying it was just my hard luck.───店员根本不想谈论此事,说这完全是我运气太差。

14、The shop - owner asks all the shop - assistants to attend to customers patiently.───这位店主要求所有店员耐心地接待顾客.

15、The shop assistants sell goods from door to door for the convenience of the masses.───售货员送货上门,便利群众。

16、There were so many customers that the shop assistants couldn't attend to them all.───顾客很多,售货员应接不暇.

17、Before Christmas the shop assistants are off their feet.───圣诞节前店员们忙得不可开交.

shop assistants相似词语短语

1、chief assistant───首席助理

2、voice assistants───语音助手

3、shop assistant───店员

4、care assistant───护理助理

5、care assistants───护理助理


7、sales assistants───销售助理

8、chief assistants───首席助理

9、sales assistant───销售助理

the shop assistants are really friendly.变为同义句

it is really friendly of the shop assistants.

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