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trying to中文翻译,trying to是什么意思,trying to发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

trying to中文翻译,trying to是什么意思,trying to发音、用法及例句

trying to

trying to发音

英:  美:

trying to中文意思翻译



trying to双语使用场景

1、We stood outside trying to see if the acoustics worked. And you could see the guys doing this but you couldn't hear them.───我们在外面测试了它的音响系统你可以看到里面的人的活动,但完全听不到他们。

2、Are you trying to flatter me?───你是想讨好我?

3、you trying to prove ?───你想证明什么?

4、She's trying to lose a stone.───她试图减去一英石的体重。

5、If you're trying to make more money, think of all the things you'll do with that money.───如果你正在试着赚更多的钱,想想你将用你赚来的钱做的事情。

6、that's what the little orange runt was trying to hint at the whole time! i'm such a fool! ! !───而这正是那个发育不良的橘色小矮子从头到尾试图暗示的事!我真是傻透了!

7、Life is just a series of trying to make up yout mind.───生活只是由一系列下让你的脑海。

8、It looks as if he were trying to tell us to go north. There must be a life-saving station up there.───看上去他好像在告诉我们往北去。那儿大概有座救生站。

9、ORBIS is always trying to keep a closer relation among countries.───ORBIS总是尝试着同个个国家保持密切联系。

trying to相似词语短语

1、taking to───喜欢;走向;开始从事

2、lying to───漂流;接近……

3、trying on───试穿;试验

4、trusting to───依靠

5、turning to───转向;变成;求助于;致力于;开始行动

6、laying to───把…归于;努力干

7、bring to───使恢复知觉;停船


"tryto"是"尝试去做"的意思,有时也可以表示"设法"或"试图"。而"tryingto"是一个动词短语,通常在进行时态中使用,表示"正在尝试去做"。例如:"I will try to finish this task today"(我今天尝试完成这项任务)和"I am trying to learn a new language"(我正在尝试学习一门新语言)。

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