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pray for中文翻译,pray for是什么意思,pray for发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

pray for中文翻译,pray for是什么意思,pray for发音、用法及例句

1、pray for

pray for发音

英:  美:

pray for中文意思翻译



为求得…而祈祷, 为…而祈祷, 祷告; 蕲求; 祈求; 儌

pray for双语使用场景

1、Holy men advised the population to assemble in churches and pray for deliverance.───圣徒们劝百姓集合在教堂里祈求上帝拯救.

2、Christians hope and pray for salvation.───基督教徒希望并祈祷灵魂得救.

3、Salutes these people to pray for heavenly blessing you!───致敬这些一线的人们祝福你们!

4、His statement ended with the words: "Pray for me."───他的声明以“为我祈祷”结束。

5、Pray for a motorbike Pastor Noel.───求主为牧者预备摩托车.

6、Pray for our Bible study teachers as they will begin teaching next Tuesday.───为我们的圣经研习导师祷告,他们将在下周二开始教学.

7、Christ , man , don't be ashamed of it, some men pray for the thunderbolt.───有些男人想让晴天霹雳击中他们, 还求之下得呢.

8、Pray for them that despitefully use us.───为那些故意对我们不好的他们而祈祷.

9、to pray for the salvation of the world───为世人得救而祷告

10、Please pray for Cambodia and Vietnam that God will send more workers to harvest.───请为柬埔寨及越南的福音禾场代祷,求神派更多工人前往收割!

11、They visited the Shrine of Our Lady to pray for redemption.───他们参观了圣母马利亚的神龛,为赎罪而祈祷.

12、If I had a wish that I could pray for you, I'd wish you all the way sunshine.───如果我有一个愿望可以为你祈祷,我愿你一路阳光普照。

13、Vietnam – Pray for strength, peace and encouragement for all Christians imprisoned in Vietnam.───越南—请为所有在狱中的基督徒有力量 、 平安,受鼓励祷告.

14、Don't pray for life at the cost of dignity.───不要放弃尊严苟且求活.

15、I'll pray for you.───我将为你祈祷。

16、In times of difficulty, she pray for an oracle to guide her.───在困难的时候, 她祈祷神谕来指引她.

17、Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.───天主圣母,请为我们祈求, 使我们堪受基督的恩许.

18、Now they pray for rescue from anyone.───现在,他们只祈祷有人来救他们,不管是谁.

19、Pray for the brothers and sisters who will be baptized this Easter.───为准备在今年复活节接受洗礼的弟兄姊妹们代祷.

20、You wouldn't kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you.───你母亲弥留之际,要你跪下来为她祷告,你却拒绝了.

21、to pray for God's forgiveness───祈求上帝宽恕

22、I just want us to pray for my daughter to lose her driving licence.───我只想我们一起祈祷我的女儿失去她的驾照.

23、Believer will advise and encourage you to Pray for God , His will Lead you!───有信仰的人,会叫你祈祷吧!神会引领你!

24、to pray for God's blessing───祈求上帝降福

25、I should like to pray for his soul.───我倒是想为他的灵魂祈祷.

26、Pray for fellowship Committees that God grant them the faith, love, strength, wisdom.───为各团契本年度的同工祷告,求主赐给他们信心 、 爱心 、 能力 、 智慧、健康.

27、Pray for Rev. Ian Ma who has cancer in his lymphatic system.───为马益安牧师祷告,前不久他发现淋巴癌,开始接受化疗.

28、Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners.───圣母玛利亚,天主之母, 请为我们祈祷罪人.

29、Please pray for them daily. Very dangerous work.───请天天为他们祈祷, 这是很危险的工作.

30、His statement ended with the words: "Pray for me."───他的声明以一句“为我祈祷”收尾。

31、She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.───她去为亡夫的灵魂祈祷。

32、Pray for the right decisions for local residents, to stay or evacuate and their physical safety.───为当地居民是否疏散作正确的决定及他们的安全.

pray for相似词语短语

1、as for───关于,至于

2、pays for───赔偿;为…而付钱;为…付出代价

3、gray fox───灰狐

4、pass for───冒充,假扮;被认为

5、head for───前往;出发;取向于

6、pay for───赔偿;为…而付钱;为…付出代价

7、payed for───付款

8、speak for───要求得到;代表…讲话

9、lay for───埋伏着等待


pray [prei] 读作:陪瑞



例句:We pray you to show mercy.



例句:They prayed that she wonld recover.



例句:to pray someone for something




例句:I earnestly pray for your pardon.


2.祈祷,祷告:例句:The priest prayed for the dying man.



例句:Tell me the reason,pray.


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