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馅饼英文(mince pies中文翻译,mince pies是什么意思,mince pies发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

馅饼英文(mince pies中文翻译,mince pies是什么意思,mince pies发音、用法及例句)

1、mince pies

mince pies发音

英:  美:

mince pies中文意思翻译


n.肉馅饼( mince pie的名词复数 )

mince pies双语使用场景

1、I promise to leave some extra port and mince pies for you!───我保证,我会给你留超多肉馅饼的!

2、Mooncakes are to Mid - Autumn Festival mince pies are to Christmas.───中秋节 吃月饼正如圣诞节吃肉馅饼.

3、Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day.───不得在圣诞节那一天吃肉馅饼.

4、She was wonderful and used to invite me to Kensington Palace at Christmas and mince pies.───她是那么的优秀,总是在圣诞节邀请我到肯辛顿宫用餐.

5、I fancy she was wanted about the mince pies.───据我猜想,大概是她家里街头等着她回去做肉饼.

6、Over 40 % of you opted a traditional Christmas - log fire, mince pies, presents by the tree.───超过40%,你选择了传统的圣诞节-日志火, 肉馅饼.

7、Mince pies: Sweet fruity pies that everywhere in the holiday period.───百果馅饼: 在节日里随处可见的甜水果馅饼.

8、It is not Christmas without mince pies.───这不是圣诞节上吃的无肉馅饼。

mince pies相似词语短语

1、minor pieces───小件

2、minor piece───小件

3、minced beef───n.牛肉馅;绞碎的牛肉


5、minor parties───小党

6、mince pie───肉馅饼

7、peace pipes───(北美印第安人用来表示和睦的)和睦烟斗

8、apple pies───苹果馅饼(applepie的复数)

9、balance pipes───平衡管


mooncakes are to mid-autumn festival what mince pies are to christmas


two regal mixed nuts ham mooncakes


i wish a happy mid-autumn festival, mooncakes to remember that i left block oh


there are two legends which claim to explain the tradition of eating mooncakes


mooncakes are not for the diet-conscious as they are loaded with calories


mooncakes are not for the diet-conscious as they are loaded with calories


mooncakes are to mid-autumn festival what mince pies are to christmas


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