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family business中文翻译,family business是什么意思,family business发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

family business中文翻译,family business是什么意思,family business发音、用法及例句

family business

family business发音

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family business中文意思翻译



family business双语使用场景

1、She works in the family business.───她在家族的企业工作。

2、I do not wanna take over the family business.───我不想继承家业.

3、This kid's a potential fountain of information about the family business.───这个人可能会提供他的家族生意的内幕.

4、three sons also contribute to the family business.───3个儿子也为家族企业做贡献。

5、Is a family business forces in the south and back again.───是商族势力又向南退缩.

6、He was a whiner, always complaining of the costs in his Family business.───他整天嘀嘀咕咕, 老是埋怨自己的家族企业开销太大了.

7、What's going to happen to the family business if I get a heart attack and die?───如果我因心脏病发作而死去,我家族的事业会遭遇何等不幸 呢 ?

8、I understand that he must put his sons before me in the Family business. "───我理解在家族事务中,他一定要把他的几个儿子安排在我的前面. ”

9、The company was a family business.───这家公司是一个家族企业。

10、Didn't want to get mixed up in the family business.───你不是不想和家族中的事混在一块吗?

11、But everybody knows that Mike is not in the Family business.───但是谁都知道,迈克是置身于家族业务之外的.

12、Most international firms have grown out of small family business.───大多数国际公司都是从家庭小生意发展而来.

13、The three sons also contribute to the family business.───这3个儿子也为家族事业做出了贡献。

14、There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business.───他回忆早些年的家族生意时,无疑是带着一种怀旧的语气的。

15、The company was a family business.───这家公司是个家族企业。

16、Don is semi - retired and Mike is in charge of the family business.───家族现在由迈克管事.

17、I was working in the family business.───我在自家的企业工作。

18、It's down to you now to look after the family business.───现在得靠你照管家族生意了.

family business相似词语短语

1、booming business───生意兴隆

2、family businesses───家族企业

3、family butchers───供应家庭的肉商

4、banking business───[金融]银行业务

5、fashion business───时装业

6、funny business───n.不道德的行为;不规矩的事

7、be in business───经商

8、big business───大企业;财团

9、small business───小型企业,小本生意

family business中文是什么意思?

family business 英[ˈfæmili ˈbiznis] 美[ˈfæməli ˈbɪznɪs] [词典] 家族企业; [例句]The three sons also contribute to the family business这3个儿子也为家族事业做出了贡献。

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