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生活条件英语(living conditions中文翻译,living conditions是什么意思,living conditions发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

生活条件英语(living conditions中文翻译,living conditions是什么意思,living conditions发音、用法及例句)

living conditions

living conditions发音

英:  美:

living conditions中文意思翻译




living conditions双语使用场景

1、Living conditions in the city's slums are unhealthy.───城市贫民窟的生活条件有碍健康.

2、He described their living conditions as tolerable.───他把他们的生活条件描述为“尚可忍受”。

3、Our living conditions are tolerable, but I can't wait to leave.───我们的居住条件还是可忍受的,但是我迫不及待地想离开。

4、Living conditions there are not bad.───那里的生活条件还过得去.

5、The starkness of their living conditions shocked him.───他们的生活条件一无所有,他感到十分震惊.

6、It helped in a general improvement of rural living conditions.───它在总的改善农村生活条件中起到了促进作用.

7、Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer stillbirths.───生活条件改善就会有较多的活产,较少的死产.

8、The cold has made already substandard living conditions even worse.───寒冷使得已经较差的生活环境变得更糟糕。

9、Such living conditions are a reproach to our society.───这样的生活条件是我们这个社会的耻辱。

10、Raise was candid about the bleak living conditions on the farms.───赖莎对农民们的凄惨的居住条件这一问题是无偏见的.

11、Our living conditions are getting better each year.───我们的生活条件一年比一年强.

12、The worldwide loss of momentum in improving living conditions is not encouraging.───全世界已经丧失了改善生活的动力,确实是令人沮丧的.

13、Living conditions are vastly different from those pertaining in their country of origin.───生活条件与他们祖国大不相同。

14、Living conditions in the village are still quite primitive.───这个村子的生活条件仍然很原始.

15、We should improve the living conditions of the people.───我们应改善人民生活.

16、He was disgusted to see such awful living conditions.───看到如此糟糕的生活环境他觉得很气愤。

17、As the economy develops, the living conditions of the people have been improved accordingly.───经济发展了, 人民的生活水平也随着提高了.

18、Manned submersibles, like spaceships, must maintain living conditions in an unnatural environment.───载人的潜水器与宇宙飞船一样, 必须在非自然的环境下保持生存条件.

living conditions相似词语短语

1、mint conditions───崭新的

2、strict conditions───严格的条件

3、working condition───工作环境;使用状态

4、operating conditions───操作条件;工作条件;操柞件

5、housing conditions───住房条件

6、ideal conditions───理想条件

7、in no condition───身体状况不适合;情况不妙;没有资格

8、windy conditions───多风条件

9、mint condition───崭新的



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