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backburner(back burner中文翻译,back burner是什么意思,back burner发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

backburner(back burner中文翻译,back burner是什么意思,back burner发音、用法及例句)

back burner

back burner发音

英:  美:

back burner中文意思翻译




back burner常用词组:

on the back burner───搁在靠后的炉子上;搁置着

back burner双语使用场景

1、put it on the back burner.───放在炉子上?

2、Unemployment, being the knottiest issue of all, has been relegated for now to the back burner.───失业是最棘手的问题, 暂时已搁置起来, 以后再议.

3、For 10 years she has looked after her three children with her career very much on the back burner.───十年来她一直都在照顾自己的三个孩子,基本上把事业搁在了一边。

4、She says she has put all her other projects on the back burner for a while until she finishes writing her new novel.───她说,在她的新长篇小说脱稿之前,她把其他一切事情都束之高阁了.

5、I'll put the car repaired on the back burner for now.───我把这车的修理暂时放一放.

6、Many speculated that the U.S. would put the peace process on the back burner.───许多人认为美国会把和平进程放在次要地位上。

7、Put other issues on the back burner until after the election.───先把其它问题搁一搁,选举后再说吧.

8、But you can't always stay on the back burner.───但是你不能总是处在次要地位。

9、It's on the back burner right now.───(Laughs)摇滚乐队?不会吧.

10、Dozens of cases were put on the back burner.───大量的案件被搁置起来.

11、You should put that project on the back burner.───你应该把那个项目先放一放.

12、The whole project has been put on the back burner.───整顿工程已久置于不优先地位.

13、If you worry about something, try to put your worry on the back burner.───假如你为某事烦恼, 设法把烦恼扔在一边,暂时不理.

back burner相似词语短语

1、back number───n.过期期刊;过时的人(或物)(等于backissue)

2、base burner───主燃烧器

3、back burners───次要地位;多眼炉子的后炉眼


5、base burners───主燃烧器



8、back boiler───n.家用热水器

9、back order───延期交货;未付清订货



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