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make the most of中文翻译,make the most of是什么意思,make the most of发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

make the most of中文翻译,make the most of是什么意思,make the most of发音、用法及例句

1、make the most of

make the most of发音

英:  美:

make the most of中文意思翻译




make the most of双语使用场景

1、It's my first trip abroad so I'm going to make the most of it.───这是我第一次出国,我要充分利用这个机会。

2、To make the most of these slim advantages, however, Mr Yar'Adua needs to act quickly.───然而,为了更大地发挥这些不足取的优势, 亚拉杜瓦先生需要果断迅速地行动.

3、Most schools have active associations to help you make the most of the contacts you establish.───多数学校都有活跃的校友交际活动,帮助你最大限度地利用你所建立起的人脉.

4、Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the to make the most of what you have.───据史密斯教授说, 幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一起.

5、The busy make the most of time; the diligent enjoy the best of health.───忙人时间最多, 勤劳健康最好.

6、I make the most of car rides.───我充分利用外出兜风的机会。

7、There are plenty of Passenger services available. Make the most of it!───还有大量载客能力. 充分利用!

8、I just want you to make the most of it.───我只是希望你把握住这段时光.

9、I want to make the most of the nice weather, so I've decided to go camping.───我要好好把握这个好天气, 所以我决定要去露营.

10、We must make the most of the fine weather.───我们要充分利用这样的好天气.

11、You must make the most of your opportunities.───你必须尽量利用机会.

12、To make the most of her life that she a trance.───打算充分利用她那精神恍惚的人生.

13、Make the most of time the class and reviewing the lesson the teacher speak after class.───充分利用在课堂的时间,并且在课后复习课上老师讲得内容.

14、We have only a few hours so we must make the most of our time.───我们只有几小时,所以我们必须善于利用我们的时间.

15、Americans try to make the most of their space, too.───美国人也试着将空间做最佳的利用.

16、They did find freedom and an opportunity to make the most of their talents.───他们并没有找到充分施展才干的自由和机会.

17、They are structures that make the most of the ordinary talents of ordinary people.───它们是可以充分利用普通人的普通才能的架构.

18、We must learn to make the most of the bad job.───我们要学着在不利情况下尽量少损失.

19、Happiness is the ability to make the most of what you have.───幸福就是充分享用你所拥有的一切的能力。

20、Opportunity knocks but once, so we must make the most of it.───机不可失,失不再来, 所以一定要把握时机.

21、I will absolutely make the most of every minute of each day!───我一要最大限度地利用每一天的每一分钟!

22、I need to make the most of every minute I have to study.───我必须对我读书的每一分钟做最有效的利用.

23、Tom comes from London, he knows how to make the most of your visit there.───汤姆来自伦敦, 他知道怎么游览伦敦最合适.

24、Does not mean to change another, it means to make the most of yourself.───顺其自然并非意味着改变别人, 而是意味着充分发挥自己的优势.

25、One should make the most of an opportunity.───一个人应该充分利用机会.

26、We've only got one day in London, so let's make the most of it and see everything.───我们在伦敦只停留一天, 所以我们要尽量加以利用,多看点东西.

27、Once firmly established, the system will fight to stay alive , so make the most of it.───系统一旦建立就应该坚持, 最大限度的利用它.

28、We must try a good start and make the most of what we have.───我们一定会在发车时好好表现,发挥我们所有的潜力.

29、She really tries to make the most of herself, eg by dressing well.───她确实想尽量发挥自己的优势(如穿着漂亮).

30、They taught us how to burn a piece of coal to make the most of it.───他们教我们怎样烧煤,使每块煤发挥最大的作用.

make the most of相似词语短语

1、make the dust fly───让尘土飞起来

2、at the cost of───以…为代价

3、make a lot of───制造很多

4、make the best of───充分利用;尽力而为;妥善处理

5、make the worst of───对…作最坏打算

6、make the most of sth───充分利用某物

7、have the best of───胜过;从…中得到最大的好处


make the most out of it的中文翻译  make the most out of it  充分利用  双语例句  

1  It's up to you to make the most out of this experience.  能否最大限度的从这次经历中获益全在于你自己。  

2  We agreed to a meeting schedule and* that it was my responsibility to guide our conversations to make the most out of my time with her.  我们共同制定了一份会面时间表,而且我要负责引导我们之间的对话,使我们在一起的时间能够得到最充分的利用。  

3  Within this cycle it is up to us to make the most out of it.  在这个周期是由我们来最大限度地利用它。

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