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a piece of cake(piece of cake中文翻译,piece of cake是什么意思,piece of cake发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

a piece of cake(piece of cake中文翻译,piece of cake是什么意思,piece of cake发音、用法及例句)

piece of cake

piece of cake发音

英:  美:

piece of cake中文意思翻译



小菜一碟; 非常容易的事

piece of cake双语使用场景

1、Don't think this job a piece of cake. You'll have to rack your brains once you start on it.───别以为这工作是易如反掌的事, 你做了就知道它是很伤脑筋的.

2、It's nothing to shout about. It's a piece of cake for you.───没什么了不了起的,对你是小菜一碟.

3、Have another piece of cake.───请再来块蛋糕.

4、Learn English is a piece of cake.───学英语是小菜一碟。

5、Will you have a piece of cake?───你来一块蛋糕好 吗 ?

6、The boy snatched a piece of cake and ate it hungrily.───男孩抢过一块饼便贪婪地吃起来.

7、Oh, you'll do it. It's a piece of cake.───噢你办得到的. 这不费吹灰之力.

8、It's a piece of cake.───太容易了.

9、He wondered if he might have a piece of cake.───他想知道他是否可以吃一块糕.

10、Just another surveillance job, old chap. Piece of cake to somebody like you.───老伙计,只不过又是一份盯梢的活。对你这样的人来说还不是小菜一碟。

11、This is fun. It's a piece of cake.───有意思毫不费力.

12、There was only one piece of cake, but we cut it in two.───只有一块蛋糕, 但我们把它切成两半儿.

13、Getting rid of him will be a piece of cake.───摆脱掉他就是小事一桩。

14、A small piece of cake will be ample, thank you.───一小块蛋糕就足够了, 谢谢你.

15、I have dibs on that piece of cake.───我要吃那块蛋糕.

16、After climbing mountains in the Swiss Alps, going up English hills is a piece of cake.───爬过了瑞士的阿尔卑斯山后, 爬英国的小山简直是小菜一碟.

piece of cake相似词语短语

1、piece of asses───性感的女人(俚语)

2、piece of work───工件

3、piece of cloth───一块布

4、piece of ass───性感的女人(俚语)

5、piece of piss───小便

6、a piece of cake───轻松的事

7、piece to camera───工件到摄像机

8、icebox cake───冰箱蛋糕

9、piece of advice───一条忠告

a piece of cake 什么意思


It"s none of your bussiness


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