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speak up中文翻译,speak up是什么意思,speak up发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

speak up中文翻译,speak up是什么意思,speak up发音、用法及例句

speak up

speak up发音

英:  美:

speak up中文意思翻译



speak up双语使用场景

1、Would you please speak up?───请讲大声点好 吗 ?

2、And don't be afraid to speak up if someone else's volume is distracting you.───而且在别人说话打扰你的时候不要害怕提出意见.

3、Please speak up, I can't hear you over the noise.───请大声讲, 我听不清你说话.

4、In more ways than one, it's time to speak up.───从更多方面来说, 是该大胆发表自己意见的时候了!

5、I'm quite deaf — you'll have to speak up.───我耳背——你得大声说。

6、Can you speak up for truth and justice?───你能为真理和正义大声疾呼 吗 ?

7、Speak up so that everybody can hear you.───讲得响些,让大家都能听见.

8、Above all, speak up if you are having any technical difficulty.───最重要的是,如果你有任何技术困难, 就得大胆地说出来.

9、If you thought that was not fair, why did not you speak up?───如果你认为那不公平, 为什么不大胆说出来?

10、You want? Speak up if you want ! Why do you keep silent?───你想要 啊 ?你想要就说吧,你不说我怎么知道你想要呢?

11、If you thought that wasn't fair, why didn't you speak up?───如果你认为那不公平, 为什么不说出口?

12、They speak up freely, they laugh and joke.───他们畅所欲言, 说笑逗闹.

13、Please speak up—we can't hear you at the back.───请大点声讲—我们在后面听不见。

14、The speaker was to speak up as they couldn't hear him clearly.───大家要说话人大声一点,因为他们听不清.

15、Why didn't you speak up about " trigger prices " on foreign steel?───你们为什么对外国钢铁的 “ 闸门价格 ” 却不说话表态 呢 ?

16、If you have any complaint, don't just sulk ; speak up.───你有意见提出来, 不要闹 意气.

17、We should all be proud of our names and speak up our names.───咱们都应该为本身的名字感到自满,大声地说出本身的名字.

18、On several occasions, I speak up, asking others to refrain from addressing me with undue familiarity.───在某些场合, 我会大声说出来, 请别人不要用过于熟稔的称呼来叫我.

19、The actors also speak up about what does and doesn't work for them in their performances.───演员也可以大声谈论什么对自己的表演有帮助,什么没有帮助.

20、We must dare to think, speak up and act.───我们必须敢想, 敢说,敢干.

21、Speak up, we can't hear you.───大点声说, 我们听不见.

22、Mr. Who? Could you speak up, please ?───什么先生? 你说话可以大声一点 吗 ?

23、Please speak up so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.───请大点声讲,让屋子后面的人也能听见你的声音.

24、I'm quite deaf – you'll have to speak up.───我很聋–你得大声点说。

25、I stand up and speak up.───我站起来大声说话。

26、'Go on, John,'said Morgan.'speak up to the others.'───“ 往下说呀, 约翰, ” 摩根说, “把其他几点也讲清楚. ”

27、If we speak up and demand that healthy ingredients be used, cosmetic companies will listen.───如果我们大声要求使用健康的原料, 化妆品公司就应该听一听民众的呼声.

28、" Aren't you now , Xiangzi Speak up! Hey, Xiangzi! "───是不是,你自己说, 祥子? 祥子? ”

29、Don't be bashful — speak up for yourself.───别害羞——你有话说出来啊.

30、Neither speak down nor speak up to your audience.───跟观众说话,声音不要太大也不要太小.

speak up相似词语短语


2、sped up───加速;使加速

3、spec up───规格

4、speak out───畅所欲言;大胆地说;大声地说

5、soak up───v.吸收

6、speak to───证明;对……说话;责备

7、break up───打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落

8、perk up───昂首翘尾;活跃起来;振作精神

9、speaks up───更大声地说;无保留地说出


speak up 英 [spi:k ʌp] 美 [spik ʌp] [词典] 大声讲; 畅所欲言,清楚地表明看法; [例句]Uncle Herbert never argued, never spoke up for himself赫伯特叔叔从不与人争吵,也从不为自己辩护。

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