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reckon with(reckoning with中文翻译,reckoning with是什么意思,reckoning with发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

reckon with(reckoning with中文翻译,reckoning with是什么意思,reckoning with发音、用法及例句)

reckoning with

reckoning with发音

英:  美:

reckoning with中文意思翻译



reckoning with双语使用场景

1、U. S. households are also reckoning with a large drop in wealth during the past two years.───美国家庭也开始重视过去两年来财富的大幅下滑。

2、In stirring prose, she provides a powerful reckoning with one of the world's least free countries.───在搅拌的散文,她提供了最不自由的国家的强大的清算与世界上的一个。

3、If that is what you are reckoning with, you will not get very far.───如果这就是你们所做的估计,你们将走不了太远。

4、You can't help conclude that we're heading for one hell of a day of reckoning with all this.───这不禁让人觉得,到了清算这一切的那天,我们都会一头栽进地狱。

5、reckoning with his wife at the end of an escapade was something he counted on.───他所指望的就是在一次越轨行为终了时同他妻子算帐。

6、There'll never be closure, but there will be a reckoning with the past.───历史不会石沉大海,总会有清算的那一天”。

7、By trying Mr Demjanjuk Germany hopes to show that time has not blunted its zeal for an honest reckoning with the past.───通过审判德米扬鲁克德国希望告诉世人,诚实对待历史的热情并没有被时间的流逝而消弱。

8、There must be a reckoning with decades of establishment cowardice towards someone whose nature has been well known throughout that time.───数十年来,默多克的本性早已为人们所看透,而在此期间英国统治阶层在他面前一直胆小怯懦,这必须得到清算。

9、I thought my day of reckoning with China's grip on the feet of America's children was still months away.───我原以为美国小孩与中国鞋子这个难题在几个月才会出现。

reckoning with相似词语短语

1、reckoning without───忽略;未把…考虑在内;没估计到;盼望不要有...

2、running with───鼓励;与…一起跑;与…交往

3、reckoned with───处理;对付;和…算帐;预料到

4、reckon with───处理;对付;和…算帐;预料到

5、reasoning with───规劝;与…评理

6、closing with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束

7、reckons with───处理;对付;和…算帐;预料到

8、reckoning on───指望;依赖

9、breaking with───v.结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂


reckoning[英][ˈrekənɪŋ][美][ˈrɛkənɪŋ]n.计算; 账目; 船只位置的推算; (尤指体育运动)属于可能胜出者行列之内; v.计算( reckon的现在分词); 猜想; 考虑; 思忖; 复数:reckonings例句:

1.Many saw the financial crisis as a reckoning. 很多人把金融危机看做是一种清算。

2.Wish the reckoning had started sooner. 希望当年自己能够清醒地更早了

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