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wild child中文翻译,wild child是什么意思,wild child发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

wild child中文翻译,wild child是什么意思,wild child发音、用法及例句

wild child

wild child发音

英:  美:

wild child中文意思翻译



wild child双语使用场景

1、In the building, the wild child hurt his mild chin by china.───在大楼里,那个粗野的孩子被瓷器轻轻弄伤了下巴。

2、He and Wild Child Shack, the dry out a lot of wonderful things spectacle of himself.───他和野孩子夏克,各干出了许多令人捧腹的妙事.

3、In the building, the wild child hurt his mild chin on the china.───在大楼里,那个粗野的孩子在瓷器上弄伤了温柔的下巴。

4、Maksim used to skateboard when he was younger - he said that he was a really WILD CHILD!───马克西姆小时候曾经玩滑板 —— 他说自己曾经是野小孩!

5、I was living like a wild child.───我的行为像个野蛮的孩子。

6、In & xnbsp ; the & n 383954 bsp ; building, the wild child hurt his mild chin on the china.───在大楼里, 那个粗野的孩子在瓷器上弄伤了温柔的下巴.

7、The wild child found wandering in the forest was gradually civilized.───这个在森林里游荡的野孩子被人发现后逐渐开化了.

8、We are wild child.───我们都是野孩子。

9、Simon: Ali is a wild child. Why can't he behave?───西蒙: 阿里是个野孩子, 他怎么就不能守点规矩 呢 ?

10、Prince Harry lives up to his reputation as a royal wild child.───哈里王子是皇室有名的野孩子.

wild child相似词语短语

1、wild children───野生儿

2、wind chills───风寒

3、wild silk───野蚕丝

4、wild card───n.(计算机中的)通配符;持外卡的选手;无法预言的人(或事物)

5、wind chill───风寒

6、wild bird───野鸟

7、little child───小孩

8、only child───独生子女

9、with child───怀孕



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