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pulse rate中文翻译,pulse rate是什么意思,pulse rate发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

pulse rate中文翻译,pulse rate是什么意思,pulse rate发音、用法及例句

pulse rate

pulse rate发音

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pulse rate中文意思翻译




pulse rate双语使用场景

1、That would be enough to heat the core slightly and this heating would, in turn, accelerate the Cepheid's pulse rate.───这将足轻微加热内核,这种热量会反过来会加快造父变星的脉搏频率。

2、Take your resting pulse rate by first sitting quietly in a chair and breathing normally.───测静息心率时,首先要安静地坐在椅子上,然后正常地呼吸.

3、Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute.───大多数人的脉率都在每分钟70次以上.

4、Postoperative oxygen saturation and pulse rate were similar in the two groups.───手术后的氧饱和度和脉搏在两组之间相似.

5、The doctor began to measure my pulse rate per minute.───医生开始量我脉搏每分钟跳动的频率.

6、Instantly the baby girl responds. pulse rate becomes calm and steady.───女婴立刻有了反应. 脉搏跳动变得平静而稳定.

7、When the body reacts unfavourably to food, the pulse rate will go up.───人体对食物作出排斥反应时,脉搏会加快。

8、His pulse rate dropped suddenly.───他的脉搏速率突然下降。

9、Breathing, pulse rate, and blood pressure revert to normal.───呼吸 、 脉搏频率和血液恢复正常.

10、Compare oximeter pulse rate with client's radial pulse.───对比血氧计脉率与病人桡动脉搏动.

11、Pulse rate ( frequency ) is optimized in ultrasonic area, generates cavitated action in liquid accordingly.───脉动速率 ( 频率 ) 优选在超声区域内, 借此在液体中出现空化作用.

12、Smooching passionately for 90 seconds will elevate blood pressure and cause the pulse rate to go racing. It will also increase the level of hormones in the blood, thus reducing life by one minute.───秒钟热吻会升高血压、加速脉搏,还会增加血液中的荷尔蒙,由此会导致生命缩短一分钟。

13、What is your pulse rate?───您的脉博是多少?

14、The nurse entered up the temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate of the patient.───护士记下了病人的体温, 血压和脉搏次数.

15、The pulse rate and pressure rise, and breathing becomes faster.───脉搏加快和血压升高, 而且呼吸加快.

16、His pulse rate dropped suddenly.───他的脉搏突然放慢了.

17、I see. How is my pulse rate?───我知道了. 我的脉率是 多少 ?

pulse rate相似词语短语

1、lapse rate───n.气温;直减率;温度垂直梯度

2、prime rate───最优惠利率;头等贷款最低利率

3、piece rate───计件工资率

4、pulse radar───脉冲雷达


6、pulse rates───脉搏率;脉冲重复频率

7、base rate───n.基本利率;基础比率;保证工资


无氧运动后最好心率在120次/分为宜,1)脉率(pulse rate)是每分钟脉搏搏动的次数,正常情况下与心率一致.心率(Heart Rate):是指心脏每分钟跳动的次数,以第一声音为准。 即心脏在一定时间内跳动的次数,也就是在一定时间内,心脏跳动快慢的意思。希望对你幼帮助

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