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power supply中文翻译,power supply是什么意思,power supply发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

power supply中文翻译,power supply是什么意思,power supply发音、用法及例句

power supply

power supply发音

英:  美:

power supply中文意思翻译


n.电源; 供电


power supply双语使用场景

1、An electric power company monopolises the power supply in this area.───一家电力公司垄断了该地区的电力供应.

2、It's reliable power supply for family as reservation source.───就家庭备用电源可靠的电力供应.

3、Connect red lead to accessory power supply of car.───连接红色导线到汽车的辅助电源.

4、A high - temperature cut - out isolates power supply to the heater.───高温断流器切断给通往热器的电源.

5、Used in color display, switching power supply, communication sets, etc.───适用于彩显 、 开关电源及通讯设备等.

6、Penang has wide roads, a steady stream of graduates from University Science and an efficient power supply.───槟榔屿有宽阔的道路,源源不断来自科学大学的毕业生,以及高效的电力供应。

7、The electric armour runs off the tank's power supply.───该电动装甲车靠这坦克的动力供应运转。

8、Does your ship have an internal power supply, attuned to the storage device?───你们飞船内是否有能与存储设备兼容的电力供给?

9、Notice that V + comes from the output of the power supply.───注意V+ 是取自稳压电源的输出.

10、Remember what happened the last time the gate's power supply was overloaded?───回想一下,上次星际之门的供给超量时发生了什么?

11、An electric power company monopolizes the power supply in this area.───一家电力公司垄断了该地区的电力供应。

12、Clip - gage excitation was supplied by a commercially available power supply ( signal conditioner ).───回形引伸计的激励电压由商售的通用电源装置 ( 信号调制器 ) 来提供.

13、The stabilized power supply unit for the detectors is mounted at the rear of the chassis.───检测器的稳压电源安装在框架后面.

14、Voltage provided to a ballast by a power line or power supply.───由电源或输电线输入到包括镇流器的电压.

15、Article. For example the correspondence power supply equipments of the Chinese ambulation.───品. 比如中国移动的通信电源设备.

16、Medium - frequency power supply has been widely used in industrial heating.───中频电源已广泛应用于工业加热领域.

17、power supply connector can realize safe electriferous insertion in the power transmission of a power interface.───在电源接口的功率传输中,电源接头可以实现安全带电插接。

18、Make sure the ground terminal of the DC power supply is grounded.───确保直流电源的接地端是接地的.

power supply相似词语短语

1、money supply───[金融]货币供应量;货币供给

2、power surges───电涌(powersurge的复数)

3、power supplies───[电]电源,电源供给(powersupply的复数形式)


5、power play───高压攻势(政治);集中攻势(球赛)

6、power surge───动力高峰

7、fuel supply───供油;[能源]燃料供给

8、power up───上电,加电

9、water supply───供水系统;水源


power supply基本翻译电源;电源供应器网络释义power supply:电源|电源供应器|供电power-supply operation:电源供给操作power-supply basics:电源供给基础

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