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own up中文翻译,own up是什么意思,own up发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

own up中文翻译,own up是什么意思,own up发音、用法及例句

own up

own up发音

英:  美:

own up中文意思翻译



完全[坦白]供认; 老实交代

own up双语使用场景

1、The teacher is waiting for someone to own up to the graffiti.───老师在等着有人承认乱涂乱画的行为。

2、You had better own up.───你还是招了的好.

3、If no one will own up to misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.───假如谁都不出来供认这一不良行为, 放学后所有的学生都得留下.

4、I'm still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages.───我还在等着有人承认把东西打碎了。

5、You'd better own up that you were responsible for the traffic accident.───你最好承认你对那起交通事故负有责任.

6、Own up to your wrong - doings and save yourself a lot of troubles.───承认自己的错误可以节省很多麻烦.

7、I advise you to own up at once.───我劝你立即坦白.

8、Politicians don't like to own up to their mistakes.───政客不喜欢承认他们的错误.

9、If your ball broke the window, you should own up.───如果是你的球打破了玻璃窗, 你应该爽快地承认.

10、The headmaster is waiting for someone to own up.───校长在等着有人站出来承认。

11、But I'll own up fairly , I've the shakes upon me for the gallows.───不过我对你说实话, 我一想起绞架就忍不住要发抖.

12、They will not own up until they are exposed.───不揭露他们是不肯交代的.

13、Cap'n Smollett's a fine seaman, as I'll own up to any day, but stiff on discipline.───斯摩莱特船长是个出色的海员, 我一直这么说, 但他的纪律太严.

14、She persisted in her denial [ in her refusal to own up ].───她一直否认 [ 拒不承认 ].

15、I think the person's very selfish not to own up.───我认为,这个人不坦白招供,是非常自私的.

16、Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.───大多数男人宁死都不愿承认有依赖感。

17、People will respect you more if you own up to your problems.───如果你坦率承任自己的问题,人们会更加尊重你.

own up相似词语短语

1、blown up───v.吹胀;发脾气;发生并加剧

2、owns up───v.坦白;爽快承认

3、open up───打开;开发;开始;展示,揭露

4、shown up───露面;露出;揭露

5、join up───联合起来;连接;参军

6、owned up───v.坦白;爽快承认

7、grown up───长大成人



Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.


own up to doing 所以是介词

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