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greenday(green day中文翻译,green day是什么意思,green day发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

greenday(green day中文翻译,green day是什么意思,green day发音、用法及例句)

green day

green day发音

英:  美:

green day中文意思翻译


[医] 绿色日,蔬菜日(一种治疗糖尿病的饮食日)

green day双语使用场景

1、Milo's pocket sent out ringtones of a Green Day download. Of course it was Tina.───米洛口袋里的手机响起绿日乐队的歌曲转换而成的铃声,电话自然是蒂娜打来的。

2、It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your life. - Green Day, Good Riddance.───虽然过程很难预料,但是最后结果总是对的。我希望你好好把握你的一生。

3、I mean, the play was great, and then Green Day played songs, too!───我的意思是,这出戏是伟大的,然后绿日播放的歌曲呢!

4、Green Day - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) Another turning point a fork stuck in the road.───绿日-太好了(你的生活)另一个转折点一个岔口分开了道路。

5、In all seriousness, who thought Green Day had it in them to deliver one of the best rock albums of the year?───说真的,谁能想到GreenDay会带来今年最好的摇滚专辑呢?

6、If, 10 months ago, you had told me that Green Day would release one of the very best pop records of the year, I would have laughed.───10个月之前,如果你告诉我GreenDay会发布今年最好的流行专辑,我会笑掉大牙。

7、Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. - Green Day, Good Riddance.───又是一个转折点,在人生的交叉路口该如何选择。时间会抓住你的手腕,指引你前进的方向。

8、"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day was one of her favorite songs.───绿日乐队的《碎梦大道》是她最喜欢的歌曲之一。

9、I nearly cried... I'd recommend everyone to see it, even if you do not like Green Day, just come out and see it.───我差点哭了…我建议大家看看吧,即使你不喜欢绿日没有,只是出来看看。

green day相似词语短语


2、green bags───律师;律师行业

3、present day───今朝

4、green tax───环保税

5、green ban───n.绿色禁令

6、degree day───日度差

7、green bani───绿色货币

8、green bean───青豆,嫩菜豆

9、green bag───律师;律师行业

GREEN DAY 和SUM41都属于朋克吗如果是 都属于什么类型呢



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