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lost in thailand中文翻译,lost in thailand是什么意思,lost in thailand发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

lost in thailand中文翻译,lost in thailand是什么意思,lost in thailand发音、用法及例句

lost in thailand

lost in thailand发音

英:  美:

lost in thailand中文意思翻译



lost in thailand双语使用场景

1、Many thousands of children in Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia did not return for the new school year in 1998 after their parents lost their jobs and so the ability to pay fees.───在父母失业和无力支付学费的情况下,泰国、菲律宾和印尼有成千上万的儿童在新学年没有返校。

2、Bingbing recently starred in the Chinese art house hit Double Exposure as well as Lost in Thailand, which broke box-office records in China.───范冰冰近期在中国**中表现不俗,比如《二次曝光》和《人再囧途之泰囧》甚至打破中国票房纪录。

3、in Thailand tells the story of three Chinese men, who meet on their trips to Thailand.───泰囧》讲述了三个在泰国偶遇的中国人之间的故事。

4、Chinese low-budget film, Lost in Thailand, has harvested profits and praise since it hit movie theatres on 12 December.───中国小成本**《泰囧》在12月12日上映以来已经获得了口碑和票房的双丰收。

lost in thailand相似词语短语

1、out in the cold───被冷落,遭排斥

2、not in the race───不参加比赛

3、Gulf of Thailand───泰国湾

4、spit in the wind───随风吐痰

5、not in the least───绝不,一点也不;一点不怕

6、hat in hand───毕恭毕敬地;温顺地;恳求地

7、soft in the head───头脑迟钝,糊里糊涂

8、lay of the land───n.情势;事态;地形走向

9、lie of the land───土地的谎言



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