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energy efficient中文翻译,energy efficient是什么意思,energy efficient发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

energy efficient中文翻译,energy efficient是什么意思,energy efficient发音、用法及例句

energy efficient

energy efficient发音

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energy efficient中文意思翻译



energy efficient双语使用场景

1、All of the lighting is derived from energy efficient LEDs.───所有照明均使用节能发光二极管。

2、Buy energy efficient appliance + ligthtbulb.───购买节能电器,如节能灯泡.

3、Many more promote ethanol, or renewables, or energy - efficient buildings.───更多的州致力于推广乙醇 、 再生能源, 或节能建筑.

4、It'selects energy - efficient and low - noise air blower, which saves electricity.───高效低噪 节能 电机, 运行电费省.

5、Choose energy - efficient appliances when you replace old ones.───当你更换旧电器时,请选择节能款.

6、Benefit from energy - efficient systems and lower capital costs?───既要满足节能系统的要求,也要实现低资本成本的目标?

7、Swing by the workpiece Austempered durable manufacturing of energy - efficient industrial - type furnace.───采用工件摆动式等温淬火工艺制造的节能耐用型工业电炉.

8、Fluorescent lights are more energy - efficient than ordinary light bulbs.───荧光灯比普通灯泡节能.

9、BDF integral energy - efficient hot galvanizing air blower.───BDF高效节能整体热浸锌冷风机.

10、Structural features of energy - efficient AL evaporated condenser.───高效节能AL蒸发式冷凝器结构特点.

11、Greencool refrigerants are a series of CFC - free refrigerants that are non - flammable, non - toxic, non - corrosive and energy - efficient.───格林柯尔制冷剂是一系列不含CFC的制冷剂,其特性是不易燃 、 无毒 、 无腐蚀性而且高效节能.

12、Cheaper, healthier, and more energy efficient? Wow, Chalk one up for German engineering.───更便宜,更健康,而且更高能效,哇,这都归功于德国工程人员。

13、Rockwell Automation defines sustainable production as cleaner, safer more energy - efficient operations.───罗克韦尔自动化将可持续生产定义为更清洁 、 更安全、更节能的生产.

14、Leaders interpret the construction of energy - efficient energy - saving strategy is imminent?───高层领导解读节能方略建筑节能已迫在眉睫?

15、Among them : promoting the use of energy efficient appliances and cars.───例如提倡使用能源效益高的器具与车辆.

16、Then it can suggest a more energy efficient appliance.───然后就会推荐一款更节能的产品。

17、Energy - efficient motor vehicles produced less carbon dioxide per mile.───高能效汽车每英里产生更少二氧化碳.

18、Fluorescent light bulbs energy efficient than incandescent bulbs.───荧光灯泡比白炽灯泡要省电.

energy efficient相似词语短语

1、energy efficiency ratio───能源效率比值

2、highly efficient───效率很高

3、energy efficiency───能源效率;[物][电]能量效率

4、energy giant───能源巨头

5、energy efficiencies───能源效率;[物][电]能量效率

6、energy efficiency ratios───能源效率比值



9、energy price───能源价格





有效率的; (直接)生效的; 能干的; (因省钱、省时或省力等而)收效大的;



Information on how to make your home more energy efficient


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