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watch for中文翻译,watch for是什么意思,watch for发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

watch for中文翻译,watch for是什么意思,watch for发音、用法及例句

1、watch for

watch for发音

英:  美:

watch for中文意思翻译




watch for双语使用场景

1、The police warned holidaymakers to be on the watch for car thieves.───警方提醒度假者提防偷车贼.

2、He pawned his watch for 30 yuan.───他的手表当了30元.

3、You must keep a good watch for the enemy.───对敌人你们必须保持警戒.

4、Please watch for the big arch and all the trees.───请留神看,前面会有一座大型拱门,周围还有不少树木.

5、You'll have to watch for the right moment.───你得等候适当时机.

6、Keep watch for the milkman. I want to pay him today.───帮我留意一下送牛奶的, 今天我要付钱给他.

7、Shielding his eyes from the bright light, he looked far out to sea to watch for the ship's arrival.───他用手遮住强光向大海眺望,观察那艘船的到来.

8、I always watch for the longest day in the year and then miss it. "───我老在等一年中最长的一天,到头来偏偏还是错过了. ”

9、He checked his watch for the umpteenth time.───他看了无数次表。

10、She gave me a watch for my birthday.───她送给我一块手表作为生日礼物。

11、It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.───对于中立观众来说,这是一场精彩的比赛。

12、Environmentalists will be on the watch for damage to wildlife.───环境保护主义者将会密切关注对野生动物造成的伤害。

13、He traded his watch for Ade's basketball.───他用手表来换艾德的篮球.

14、Be on the watch for thieves in this crowd.───提防人群中有小偷.

15、We must watch for fires.───我们一定要当心火灾.

16、He would make Bessie hide in one of these buildings and watch for Mr. Dalton's car.───他要让蓓西埋伏在一座这样的楼里,窥伺着道尔顿先生的汽车.

17、It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.───对中立方来说,这是一场精彩的比赛。

18、He checked his watch for the umpteenth time.───他不停地看表。

watch for相似词语短语

1、watched for───v.等待;当心;守候

2、watch sport───观看体育比赛

3、to watch for───留心

4、catch fire───着火

5、watch fire───营火

6、watching for───v.等待;当心;守候

7、pitch for───推销

8、watch fires───营火

9、watches for───v.等待;当心;守候






(1)、for表示“当作”、“作为”。表示理由或原因,意为“因为、由于”。表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给……”、“对……(而言)”。例如:She gave me a watch for my birthday.她送给我一块手表作为生日礼物。He got an award for bravery.他因英勇受奖。

(2)、用于一些固定搭配中。如Who are you waiting for?你在等谁?


(1)、for表示“因为”也可表示原因,for作连词时引导原因因状从句,主要表示理由,用于引导的分句对前面的话进行解释,起到充分说明的意思,常用逗号把它和前面的分句分开。例如:He shook his head,for he thought differently.他摇了摇头,因为他有不同想法。


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