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red packet中文翻译,red packet是什么意思,red packet发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

red packet中文翻译,red packet是什么意思,red packet发音、用法及例句

1、red packet

red packet发音

英:  美:

red packet中文意思翻译


红袋子; 红包

red packet双语使用场景

1、How much money is in that red packet?───在那只红包里有多少钱?。

2、It has evolved into today's red packet or lucky money that parents and older relatives give to children during the Lunar New Year to wish them good luck.───它已经演变成今天的红包或压岁钱,父母和年长的亲戚在农历新年给孩子,祝他们好运。

3、On the day itself, an ancient custom called Hong Bao, meaning Red Packet, takes place.───在农历新年当天,有一个古老的传统叫做红包,意思就是红色的小包。

4、It's Red Packet Money. It symbolizes "good luck" . Usually only those married give out Red Packets and the singles receive them.───那是象征幸运的红包。通常是由已婚的男女派发给未婚人士。

5、In the past, the red envelope was just a simple red packet, without any characters printed on it.───过去,红包只是一个红纸套,上面没印任何字。

6、During the holiday and special everts, he will give me a red packet. Just like this morning before I entered the exam.───每逢节日,或者一些特别的日子,好像我今天去考试,你都会给我一个红包,而这红包包含的就是爱和关怀。

7、Red packet is unavoidable in Chinese new year.───红包在中国新年里是不可避免的。

8、WeChat limits the amount that can be sent in a single red packet to 200 yuan ($29).───微信将单个红包的金额限制在200元(29美元)。

9、A red packet is simply a red envelope with gift money in it, which symbolizes luck and wealth.───红包主要是由一个里面装有压岁钱的红色包封构成的,它主要象征着幸运和财富。

red packet相似词语短语

1、pay packet───n.(附工资及工资单的)[劳经]工资袋(等于payenvelope);薪水

2、red packets───红包

3、pea jacket───厚呢上装


5、field jacket───野战短外套

6、red carpet───(迎接贵宾用的)红地毯;隆重的接待


8、to packet───打包

9、bed jacket───女睡衣短外套




python复制代码# 首先登录自己的公众号或小程序管理平台获取到商户号,还需要在商户平台上进行相关配置和审核,然后才能调用该API# 先从商户平台获取指定数量的收款人的OpenID列表以及随机金额序列# 然后构造XML格式的请求报文,同时需要对报文进行签名# 使用requests库调用微信支付接口提交请求并获取响应结果# 解析响应报文以获得调用状态及错误信息# 对调用结果进行相应处理,如打印日志、发邮件等def send_hongbao(openids, moneys): # TODO: 构造请求报文并签名request_xml = build_request(openids, moneys)sign = get_sign(request_xml) # TODO: 发送请求并解析响应报文response_xml = requests.post(url, data=request_xml + "&sign=" + sign).textdata = parse_response(response_xml) # TODO: 处理响应数据并返回结果if data['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS' and data['result_code'] == 'SUCCESS': return Trueelse: return False# 示例调用openids = ["openid1", "openid2", "openid3"]moneys = [100, 200, 300]

result = send_hongbao(openids, moneys)print(result)


import random

import time

import hashlib

import requests

import xmltodict

class WechatRedPacket():

def __init__(self, appid, mch_id, wx_key, cert_path):

self.appid = appid

self.mch_id = mch_id

self.wx_key = wx_key

self.cert_path = cert_path

self.url = ".mch.weixin.qq.com//∧∧∧"

def send_packet(self, total_amount, num, wishing, activity_name, openid_list):

nonce_str = str(int(time.time())) + str(random.randint(0, 10000)).zfill(4)

mch_billno = self.mch_id + time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime()) + str(random.randint(0, 10000)).zfill(4)

data_dict = {

'nonce_str': nonce_str,

'mch_billno': mch_billno,

'mch_id': self.mch_id,

'wxappid': self.appid,

'send_name': 'Test',

'total_amount': int(total_amount * 100),

'total_num': num,

'wishing': wishing,

'client_ip': '',

'act_name': activity_name,

'remark': '测试备注',

're_openid': None,

'scene_id': None


if num != 1:

assert len(openid_list) > 1, "openid列表不能为空"

assert num == len(openid_list), "红包数量必须与openid列表数量相等"

openid_str = '|'.join(openid_list)

data_dict['amt_type'] = 'ALL_RAND'

data_dict['openid'] = None

data_dict['sign_type'] = 'MD5'

data_dict['max_value'] = int(total_amount * 100 / num * 2)

data_dict['min_value'] = int(total_amount * 100 / num / 2)

data_dict['total_amount'] = int(total_amount * 100)


assert len(openid_list) == 1, "红包数量为 1 时,openid列表长度应为"

openid_str = openid_list[0]

data_dict['send_type'] = 'NORMAL'

data_dict['openid'] = openid_str

data_dict['re_openid'] = openid_str

raw = ''

for k in sorted(data_dict):

raw += '{}={}&'.format(k, data_dict[k])

raw += 'key=' + self.wx_key

sign = hashlib.md5(raw.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().upper()

data_xml = '{}'.format(''.join([''.format(k, v) for k, v in data_dict.items()]))

data_xml = data_xml.replace('', '{}'.format(openid_str))

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}

response = requests.post(self.url, data=data_xml.encode('utf-8'), headers=headers, cert=(self.cert_path + '/apiclient_cert.pem', selflient_key.pem'))

if response.status_code == 200 and '' in response.text:

result_dict = xmltodict.parse(response.content)['xml']

return result_dict


return None

示例代码中 send_packet() 方法接受红包金额、红包数量、红包祝福语、活动名称以及收款人(OpenID列表)等参数,使用 Python 发送微信支付的请求后获取回复结果,最后返回发送结果。只需修改其中的 appid、mch_id、wx_key 及 cert_path 参数为自己的商户号、应用ID、API 密钥和证书路径等即可。

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